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Riona had woken up to a large weight on her chest and immense warmth on one side of her body, laying with her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath through her nose. Upon feeling like she was being watched, she'd looked over, seeing two troopers standing over her.

"Why are you here?" Crosshair raised an eyebrow, Hunter crossing his arms as he added "And why are you laid up with Wrecker?"

"Damn it." She mumbled, voice thick with sleep as she looked down. Sure enough, he was laying with his head on her chest, pressed against her with his legs intertwined with hers, one arm around her while the other held the red and black tooka doll to his chest. He was sound asleep, one of Riona's arms wrapped around him, the woman having fallen asleep running her fingers over his back and shoulders. "I must've fallen asleep. He'd called me last night, said he couldn't sleep. I took him out for a little while and when we got back he asked if I would stay until he was able to."

"Why didn't he just tell us?"

"He didn't want to bother you, said you guys had already been asleep for an hour or so." She carefully untangled herself from him, Crosshair helping her up as she slid off of the bunk. "Is that a doll?"

"Mhm, I bought it for him last night. He about took out three people trying to get to it." She hummed, straightening out her robes. "Did you guys sleep okay?"

"Yeah, we slept fine." Hunter held back a huff, giving Wrecker a look. "I can't believe he bothered you. You're hurt, and I'm sure you're busy with Jedi stuff since you're on Coruscant again."

"Oh, I don't mind. I wasn't busy at all. I was just leaving the medbay, actually." She'd given Hunter a look, the man unfazed. "Speaking of, I'd appreciate it if you and Tech would quit hacking into the other Jedi's and medic's electronics."

"Oh, I make no promises." He'd offered a sly grin, Riona rolling her eyes.


"Grandmaster Yoda, I'd like to have a word with you, if that's alright?" She'd approached the grand master, the elder Jedi having been making his way through the temple on his hover-seat.

"Of course, Riona. Help you with, what can I?"

"Actually, I was hoping to help you. I've got a cadet that I think could work well with you." She'd fallen in step with him, hands folded behind her back.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Master. He is incredibly disciplined, skilled in hand to hand combat, and has impeccable firearm etiquette."

"Graduate, when does he?" "Within the next couple of weeks, sir." "His name?" "He goes by Gree."

"Looking forward to working with him, I am. Successful, your training has been. Proud of you, we all are." He'd given a smile, Riona bowing somewhat. "Thank you, Master. That's great to hear."

"Teach the younglings, I must. Bid you farewell, I do for now."

"Of course. Good luck, master." She'd teased, earning a chuckle from the man as he moved to enter to a room.

"Need it, I just might." She shook her head, having always loved talking with the man, the woman turning and making her way towards the main hall of the temple. The moment she'd stepped into a patch of sunlight shining in from the large windows, she could hear the sound of running, causing her to stop and look around.

"Master Orion!" A voice called out, Riona grinning as she'd spotted the runner. A young, red-haired boy had made his way over, throwing his arms around her waist, face pressed to her stomach.

"Hey, Cal. It's been some time." She smiled, gently rubbing his back. "I see you've been promoted to padawan."

"I was hoping that I could get assigned to you, but you were already stationed on Kamino." He hummed, shifting to rest his chin on her stomach, looking up at her with a grin.

"You know I would love to have my little freckle face for a padawan," She reached up and gently pinched at his cheeks, causing the boy to let out a small laugh as he pushed her hands away. "But the war effort comes first, I'm afraid."

Before being put on assignment on Kamino, Riona had been tasked with helping teach younglings. Cal Kestis just so happened to be in the age group she was given, and they'd all spent lots of time together. She was the one who helped them hone in on their meditation skills, and had escorted them to Ilum to find their kyber crystals. Although, young Cal had been the one she was the most hands-on with, the boy having needed more close instruction due to his lack of patience. That had led to the two forming a closer bond.

"I knew you didn't like my teachings." A deep voice hummed teasingly, the padawan immediately pulling away from her and bowing to his master. "Apologies, master. That is not how I meant it."

The lasat simply let out a chuckle, standing with his arms crossed. "I'm aware, Cal. You can relax."

"Master Tapal, it's nice to see you again." Riona bowed somewhat, the elder Jedi doing the same. "It's nice to see you in good health, Orion. I'd heard things were rough going for a moment."

Oh, little does he know.

"Yes, it was. But, I'm much better now. Your concern is appreciated." She smiled somewhat, the padawan looking like he might explode.

"What is it, Cal?" Jaro hummed, the boy looking up at Riona. "Master, I saw you arrive with clones that don't look like clones. Can we meet them?"

"I don't believe it will be possible this time around, sweetheart. They are here by request of the chancellor. Although I'm sure you will get to meet them in due time."


"I promise, freckle face."

 General in Training [ Star Wars ] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن