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"Alright, this is a specialized test put together for just these two squads. You boys all have great potential, and today, we'll see what you can do with the skills you've acquired. You will be dropped in different locations on the planet of Naboo, and you'll be given a weeks time to track each other down. The goal is capture, keep weapons on stun." Riona eyed both Crosshair and Sev as she spoke, the two simply giving small nods. She'd gotten both Delta and the Odd squad in the gunship, the group having just dropped out of hyperspace as they neared the planet of Naboo.

"What happens when one of the squads wins?" Wrecker asked, the woman unable to conceal her smile, having known he would ask that.

"They will be rewarded with a special position amongst the Grand Army of the Republic." Hunter and Boss immediately looked at each other, having a bit of a stand-off in the gunship.

"Entering the atmosphere of Naboo, sir." Hawk called out from the cockpit, Riona thanking him as she reached up and grabbed one of the handles above her head. Taking into consideration just how different the enhanced clones were, Riona was incredibly happy as she watched the men interact. She'd expected some sort of unease or malice from Delta squad, but they treated the others like they would anyone else. Wrecker had expressed to her earlier in the voyage how he was worried that the other squad was going to behave rudely towards them, but not long after they'd left Kamino, everyone was laughing and getting along swimmingly.

"Hawk, how long until we reach the first drop zone?" She hummed, turning to face the cockpit.

"Only a few minutes, sir." He'd glanced back at her, another pilot sitting at one of the guns, huffing softly. "Are we gonna get any action?"

"Let's hope not, Warthog." She raised an eyebrow, turning back to her men as the blast doors began to open. "Oh, I've got one more piece of information for you boys."

"What's that, General?" Fixer asked, all eyes now on the Jedi, who rested her free hand on the hilt of one of her sabers.

"You all need to watch your backs, because not only are trying to capture each other, but you'll also be tracked by me."

"But, what about your back?" Scorch frowned, brows furrowed as he eyes the hilts on her belt.

"I'm fine, Scorch. Now, if I find any of you, I will engage. So, you better hope you're all good shots with those stun rings." She'd hummed, a small smirk pulling the corner of her lips.


Riona had made sure that Hawk and Warthog had dropped her off in a random spot before they'd gone to the capital, where she'd arranged for them to receive extra flying lessons while on Naboo. Now, she'd been on the ground for a few hours, looking for a place to set up camp for the night as the sun had begun to set. Deciding that sleeping up in a tree might be the best option, she'd began to climb, huffing softly once she found a sturdy enough branch to perch herself upon. At the sudden sound of voices, she'd froze, slowing her breathing so that she could hear as much as possible. Turning towards the East, she was able to spot Boss and his squadron, the woman pressing herself as close to the trunk of the tree as she could, watching.

"How long do you think it'll take for us to find the others? We only have a week, and the General said they could be anywhere." Fixer asked out loud, holding his blaster rifle close.

"A better question is, how long will it take for the General to find us?" Sev corrected, giving his brother a look. "I'm a little more afraid of what she could do than the other squad."

"You do know that the one clone has heightened senses, right?" Boss stopped and turned to them, tone a little sharp as he spoke.

"Yeah, what of it?" "So quit talking so loud, you bantha brains. He could probably hear you on the other side of the damn planet." "Oh, oops." Riona had rolled her eyes, it taking everything in her not to say something to the cadets.

"Should we set up camp? It's starting to get dark." Scorch hummed, the men standing around for a moment before Boss had nodded. "Yeah, let's camp here."

This is way too easy, she thought, holding back a smug smile as she watched the group set up camp almost directly under her tree. Staying perched on her branch, she decided to sit and wait for the right moment to strike, willing to wait for hours.

"I almost don't feel safe." Fixer stood away from the others, watching as Scorch poked around the fire with a stick, prepared to turn and run at any second.

"What are you afraid of?" Boss raised an eyebrow, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed.

"Scorch and fire is a scary combination."

"Ah, quit bein' a loth cat, Fix." Scorch rolled his eyes, standing with a now flaming stick in his hand, Boss immediately up and out of the way. Fixer had let out a yelp, jumping back and causing Sev to let out a snort.

These boys are ridiculous.

She'd waited a bit longer for everyone to settle down, then carefully climbed down the tree, making sure to stay on the side that the fire wasn't illuminating. Keeping light on her feet, she'd quietly circled around the tents, smiling somewhat as she saw Boss standing off to the side, getting on to Sev about something. Taking absolute advantage, she'd pounced on the man's back, wrapping an arm around his neck and squeezing just enough to cut off his airflow, meanwhile her legs went around his waist.

"Hostile!" Sev yelled, moving to grab his blaster while Boss tried to flip Riona over his shoulder, to no avail. Using his own momentum against him as he moved, she'd swing herself around and threw him onto the ground. Standing with one foot on his chest and using the force to hold him down, she'd grabbed her sabers and ignited them, blocking the stun rings. "One man down, boys!"

"How is she so fast?!" Scorch yelled over the blaster fire, Boss trying his absolute best to push her off of him.

"Shut up and save Boss!" Sev shouted, the woman huffing as she'd reflected the ring back at him, the cadet falling to the floor. "Two down!"

"This is ridicu-" Fixer was cut off by a stun ring hitting him in the gut, Riona raising an eyebrow. "This is easier than I thought it was gonna be."

"I'll admit, I'm absolutely terrified of you right now, General." Scorch huffed, continuing to shoot at her, the woman blocking each ring.

"I'm proud of you for being able to admit that, cadet."

"I'm ready to get up!" Boss yelled, having no progress in getting her off of his chest.

"Hold on, brother." The last man standing mumbled, shifting his aim to the Jedi's feet, though she was able to block and deflect, causing the cadet to fall to the ground. Looking down, Riona offered a sweet smile to her last conscious soldier, retracting her blades and using the force to help her jump up into the trees.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Boss mumbled, watching his general disappear into the darkness.

 General in Training [ Star Wars ] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ