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Riona had left the medbay and made her way to her old quarters, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She'd made sure to apologize to Plo before leaving, but let him know that it still did not change how she felt. When he'd offered to walk to her to her room, she'd declined, stating that she needed a moment alone. Though it hadn't lasted long, the young woman having run into an obstacle. A rather large and angry one, at that.

"Padawan Orion. I thought you were stuck on Kamino with the clones?" Pong Krell hummed, having cut off her path to the corridor her quarters were in. The large being crossed his arms, looking down at her. She'd shifted to clasp her hands behind her back, a hand brushing against her com.

"I'm not a padawan anymore, Krell. I'm not stuck anywhere, either. Except in your presence." She did her best to keep the venom out of her voice, able to feel the anger radiating off of him. Placing a hand on her belt, she'd immediately regretted giving her astromech her sabers, who was waiting for her in her chamber.

"Big words for such a little girl." He'd nearly snarled, taking a step towards her, his large feet thudding against the floors. "I know you're the reason I was taken from a position of command."

"I'm not a member of the council, I can't make those calls." She simply stood taller, keeping eye contact. He was trying to intimidate her, but little did he know, that wasn't going to happen. "Maybe if you'd treated your men with respect, you'd still be in charge of a battalion."

"Men? They're clones, child. They're toy soldiers manufactured to fight until they die. They're expendable, and it appears I'm the only one who sees them for what they truly are." He'd spoke in a low voice, glaring at the woman before letting out a dark chuckle. "I know how much pull you have with the council. You were that Kel Dor's charge, meaning you worked closely with the others. That's the only reason you were given the assignment to be with the clones. They trust you, too much. You told them to take me out of power, and you will pay for your manipulation of the council."

"You don't scare me, Krell.  I suggest you get out of my face, before I get your scaly ass expelled from the order. Since you believe I have so much pull with the council." Her voice was stern, but low, looking the Besalisk dead in the eye while she spoke. He'd let out a low growl, taking a step to the side so that she could pass by. "Watch yourself, girl."

"Whatever." She hummed, pushing past him as she made her way down the hall, able to feel his eyes boring into her. Once she'd entered her chamber, she began hitting buttons on her comlink. "Cobalt, I'm sending you a recording. I just had a conversation with Pong Krell, and made sure to catch it with my com. I'm glad I did, too. I'd like you to keep it for me, in case we need it later."

The astromech let out a string of chirps, a compartment on his dome sliding open to release a small antenna. Once the recording was received, he'd played it back to her, Riona huffing softly. "I can't believe him. He's such a sleemo nerf herder!"

As the droid had let out another string of beeps, Riona didn't get a chance to respond, her comlink going off. "What?"


She had walked into the barracks of the trooper facility, feeling absolutely terrible for snapping when she'd answered the com. It was now dark, well, as dark as it could get on the city planet of Coruscant, and Wrecker had been the one to contact her. He'd asked her to come to the barracks, his voice sounding off. Walking down the corridors, she'd frowned when she sensed the feeling of fear, following it into the room that had been given to Delta and the Odd squad for the time being. As she stepped in, the large man was sitting in the middle of the floor in just his blacks, knees pulled to his chest. She'd gently touched his shoulder, gesturing for him to follow her quietly, not wanting to wake the others, taking Hunter into special consideration.

 General in Training [ Star Wars ] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें