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Riona stood to the side, letting the ARC troopers and the two Master Chiefs take over, having gone through this process before. As Bric introduced Colt, she didn't let herself become entranced by the trooper, which wasn't hard when it came to him. He's had her wrapped around his finger since the beginning. Listening to him speak, she'd kept her eyes on the cadets, mostly eying the Domino squad. "And sometimes we may quarrel, but no matter what, we are united. Rule one, we fight together."

She'd mumbled the last bit right along with him, the two having put that rule into place after the battle of Geonosis. Noticing Hevy and Droidbait speaking, she'd shot the two a look, Fives the only one seeing her expression. As he straightened up, Colt had announced that Bravo squad would be going first, the Jedi having spent the morning giving him the numbers of each squad's best run time of the citadel challenge. Sighing, she'd stepped in time with the Domino boys, hands folded behind her back as she walked. "Remember, boys, stay focused. You can pass this test, you just need to work together."

"If Echo can keep his mouth shut, we'll do just fine." Hevy huffed, his words causing her to lose all hope she'd had of them breaking their pattern. Stopping in her tracks, she'd taken a deep breath, forcing herself to keep her professional demeanor. When she'd joined the others on the platform, Bravo squad had already begun, Colt taking a step back to stand beside her. "You're not usually late to the party. Everything okay?"

"Just had something to attend to, Commander." She offered a small nod, the two having agreed long ago to address each other formally while in the public eye. As they watched, she wasn't surprised at all when the squadron had captured the target, smiling somewhat. While everyone's backs were to them, the red armor-clad trooper gave her hand a quick squeeze. "I'm impressed, you trained them well. Who's next?"

"The Domino squad." Bric snorted, causing Riona to let out an annoyed hum as she crossed her arms. She couldn't stand him sometimes.

"And how are they?"

"They're a little rough, but they've been trying." She'd interjected, earning a look from the Siniteen that she'd given right back. "I assure you, troopers, that they will do their best."

The ARC troopers had all exchanged looks, Colt eyeing his Jedi before giving a hesitant nod. He knew she cared about this squadron, maybe a little more than the others, and he was almost afraid of how she'd react if he failed them. "Begin the program. Let's not take it easy on them."

Riona stood quietly as she watched them run through, tuning out the voices of the men around her. With each bad move they made, her stomach knotted more and more. As she heard Hevy yell to leave Droidbait, who was laying injured on the ground, her heart dropped. They failed.

"I'm sorry, ner'ka'rta." Colt murmured as he gently pushed past the woman, having since shut down the program. El-Les followed him down to the simulation stage, Havoc gently resting a hand on her shoulder. "Not everyone makes it, General. Not everyone is cut out for life in battle."

"They're capable, I know it. They just haven't found their rhythm yet." She mumbled, Bric letting out a dark chuckle as he moved to walk away. "I don't even think they're truly capable of performing maintenance duties, but that's where they'll be after today."


"I've never encountered a squadron like Domino, ever. Two of my cadets had the audacity to ask to be transferred to another squad that has already passed the challenge!" Riona huffed, pacing in her quarters as she ranted and raved. She was frustrated and incredibly disappointed, having thought better of the men. Leaning back against the chair he was sitting in, Colt simply watched her go back and forth, knowing better than to stop her at this point. "I can't believe they would ask something like that. Especially Echo! He's my one cadet that lives and breathes the rule book! Bric requested that they be put on maintenance, but El-Les thinks they can do better, and so do I."

"So what's the plan, now?" He hummed softly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. She'd abruptly stopped, turning to face him, the man immediately regretting speaking. Looking up at her, he'd managed to keep a curious expression, doing his absolute best to hide his slight sense of fear from her. It wasn't often that she scared him, but when she did, he was terrified. This was one of those moments.

"They're gonna retake the challenge, duh."

"And if they fail again?"

"They won't." She hummed, the man slowly standing and gently placing his hands on her biceps. Lightly rubbing his thumbs over the soft material of her robes, he'd mumbled "Alright, so, why don't we stop wearing a hole in the floor and go down to the mess? We haven't eaten in a while, and it'll help you relax."

"Alright." She mumbled, the two soon making their way down the corridors, Colt having put all but his helmet back on. As they'd approached the mess hall Riona frowned, it much louder than normal and the feeling of anger was strong as it flowed through the force. He'd stepped in first, letting out a small noise as he gently grabbed her arm, moving to walk right back to her quarters. "On second thought, let's just have a little date night in the room."

"What's gotten into you?" She raised an eyebrow, pulling away from him and walking into the large room, her eyes immediately wide.

"So much for you relaxing." He'd let out a heavy sigh, watching as a large fight went on. Food and fists were flying, Clone Force 99 right in the middle of it.

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