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Riona stood on the balcony overlooking the arena for the citadel test, Commander Cody and Captain Rex standing on either side of her. They watched the third squadron of the day run through, the Jedi humming softly, arms crossed as she watched one of her cadets fall after getting hit with a blaster bolt.

"You've trained them well, General Orion. They work seamlessly, and they take care of each other." Cody complimented as another cadet had picked up his fallen brother, carrying him to a safe spot.

"It wasn't difficult instilling the rule of 'no man left behind', commander. They just occasionally need reminders that at the end of the day, you're all brothers."

"Your squads are passing with flying colors, General. Almost makes me excited for coming battles." Rex hummed, a small smile on his face as he watched one of the cadets capture the light pole.

"I told you, Rex. I have faith in my cadets, there's only one I truly worry about." She mumbled, looking at the list to see who was next. "Wolffe?"

"No, a cadet by the name of Hardcase."

"Why's that, sir?"

"I've since learned that his developmental chamber had a small leak, so he's a bit of a malformed clone. The only issue he's got, though, is that he's incredibly hyperactive. I'll need to speak with whoever his commanding officers and general end up being, so that they know he can become distracted easily." She held back a sigh, glancing at the time before offering a smile to the men at her sides, in desperate need of a break from standing in one spot. "We've got some down time between now and the next squadron's test. Why don't dine on our lunch in my quarters? That way you two can relax while you eat."

"Are you sure, General? We don't mind eating in the mess." Cody seemed hesitant, the woman nodding. "I insist, commander. I can only imagine how heavy that armor is, especially with that pauldron Rex has to wear."

Rex stood there for a moment, rolling his shoulders as best he could under the large piece of armor, shrugging to the commander. "I don't see why not."

"Alright, I know when I'm outnumbered. Lead the way, General." He'd raised his hands in defeat, shaking his head as an air of amusement surrounded him. Smiling, Riona gestured for the troopers to follow her, hands clasped behind her back as she made her way out. She walked quietly as she lead them to her quarters, the men talking amongst themselves as they followed, though she soon heard something that caught her attention.

"Apologies for interrupting, but, did I just hear you use the words 'Skywalker' and 'padawan' in the same sentence?" She'd glanced back at Rex, the woman in a bit of shock and disbelief.

"Yes, General. We thought she was going to General Kenobi at first, but, she insisted that she was to learn under Skywalker."

"Master Windu doesn't trust Anakin any further than he can throw him. I'm amazed he's being trusted with a padawan, let alone an entire battalion." She held back an eye roll, punching in the code to her quarters. As the doors opened, her astromech greeted them, the woman gently patting him on the top of his dome. "Cobalt, put in a request for three meals to be delivered to these quarters."

"I think they're a good match, sir. General Kenobi has said on a few occasions that Commander Tano is much like Skywalker was at her age." Cody hummed, taking a seat at the table near the large window.

"He was assigned Ahsoka? That makes a little more sense. She can be quite the wildcard." Riona couldn't help but smile, sitting down across from the commander, leaving Rex the chair between them at the rounded table.

"You know Commander Tano?" He'd asked, working on taking his pauldron off and setting it on the countertop along the bottom of the window that was beside the table.

 General in Training [ Star Wars ] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें