Two Bros~~~

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"Shouta!" Mic jumped into action, taking the remaining pieces of glass from Eraser's bloody clenched hand and rushed to grab a broom and the trashcan while the other pro just stood there looking like he wanted to kill someone.

Shinso and Izuku looked at each other wearily, "Um, Eraser...?"

The hero gave no response and the two of them shot each other another worried look.

"See what you've done? I freaking told you not to tell them!"

"I'm sorry-next time I'll just let you suffer in silence!" Shinso snarked out not breaking eye contact.

"As you should!"

"That's not what friends do!"

Izuku stopped short. He had another comeback locked and loaded, but Shinso's comment threw him a bit. "You think we're friends?" He could feel his face pull into a pout and his friend groaned as he rolled his eyes.

"I thought we already established this..."

"It's different when I'm saying that we're friends than when you say that we're friends. Aww Shinso!" Caught up in his joy at being accepted as a friend to someone Izuku did something that he never did. He initiated a hug.

Well, it was supposed to be a hug. Apparently, Shinso was just as physically awkward as Izuku was and so when he stretched his arms out to the other boy and began to move closer, he panicked. Izuku, being the graceful person he was, tried to pull back when he saw the look in his friend's eyes, but ended up going off-balance instead and crashed into Shinso sending them both to the floor.

The two boys groaned, and muffled snickers sounded like they were trying to be covered up above them. Izuku sat up and realized that he had fallen directly on top of the other boy and scrambled to get off. "I'm so sorry!"

Shinso let out another pained groan as he felt the weight of Izuku push off of him. This is what he got for having a friend. "-it's whatever," he mumbled as he got to his own feet. To the side the two pros who were still in the process of cleaning up the glassy floor were doubled over in laughter.

In actuality, the fall wasn't too bad. Midoriya was light-like really light. It kind of made sense with how small he was, but even then, he had a feeling that the boy should've had some more weight to him, but that was a problem for another day. The shock was what got him more than anything. Honestly, he was just shocked that Midoriya let himself get flustered like that. He would've expected him to be really chill and coordinated being a vigilante and everything, but the guy was a complete mess.

Oh well, couldn't be helped he guessed.

Midoriya stood beside Shinso, fretting over his friend and apologizing profusely for trying to hug him and then falling on top of him. Logically, he knew that he was there, but in his mind, he was thinking.

Was this what it was to be a friend? To have a friend?

Hanging out and making each other laugh. Getting closer and learning all about one another, your likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, traumas and tragedies. Protecting each other...

"Oh Shouta, it's like déjà vu-" Mic somehow got out in between his wheezes.

Eraser glanced between the two boys a few times before he let out a sigh, "Oh my god-" He whispered to himself earning Mic dropping to the now glass-free floor in laughter.

"Okay, you guys can stop now. I get it okay?" Izuku said in an annoyed voice, but everyone knew that he wasn't nearly as upset as he tried to sound. In fact...he was kind of happy?

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