We Out Here...

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A quick change into some comfortable clothes and Izuku was out of the window and down the fire escape.

The night was still a bit chilly, so he stuck with the hoodie idea, only deciding to go with a black one this time around and some black joggers to round out the 'blend in with the night' look. As he made his way through the city, he put his hood up, just on the off chance that somebody could recognize his hair and slipped on a black face mask to cover the lower half of his face. Not that he was particularly worried about someone calling the police and trying to explain that they saw a dead kid walking around, but better to not take any chances.

It took a second for Izuku to end up back where he was the night before, but once he got there, he couldn't help but smile at the race of his heart. This was going to be so much fun!

This was it; this was the feeling that Izuku loved. Maybe it was the wind in his hair (due to his hood falling off), or the burn in his legs, or maybe it was the thrill of doing something dangerous again, but he couldn't help laughing as he jumped over the gaps in between the tall buildings.

For this short amount of time, he felt like he could let everything else in his life fall away, he could forget about all of the crap that he's had to deal with and his current dumpster fire of a homelife. He could just focus on running and trying not to fall. It almost made him happy to be-

No. No, that wasn't it. This was just a good distracter, that's all.

Well, at least it was until Izuku stopped short at the sound of commotion somewhere a building over. Maybe he underestimated how 'safe' this area was, because this would be the second time he had run into an altercation of some sort here. It was honestly getting annoying.

It was just as he had expected; some thugs were ganging up on a scrawny man who looked scared out of his wits. Three on one, didn't seem very fair, but Izuku guessed that those kinds of things didn't matter to people like that...he would know.

The three thugs looked tough, each of them large and well built. It would be difficult for him to take on all of them even with the element of surprise. Izuku really should go get someone who would be better suited to handle this kind of situation...

Bang, bang.

Gunshots sounded and echoed through the alleyway. Izuku had just begun to walk away to find someone else to help but froze mid-step.

"Stupid Deku, you really think that you can be a hero? You're just a quirkless weaking, how do you expect to fight villains if you won't even fight me?"

"Look at him flinch! What, are you scared of Bakugou?"

"How pathetic-"

A quiet ringing filled his left ear, a phantom of the injury he had received from Kacchan. His limbs locked up as his heart began to race. This was a new feeling, Izuku knew just how powerful and scary Kacchan's quirk could be, but he had never been this afraid of it, had he?

Memories of explosions going off in his face and beating him until he was almost unconscious on the ground swirled in his head. This was a lot, he didn't think that those times that Kacchan and his lackeys had ganged up on him had affected him that much, but maybe he was wrong.

Another shot shook him from his thoughts and Izuku could see the scrawny man cowering on the ground in a ball. Warning shots, to scare the victim into submission. The three thugs laughed and made fun of the man as if they weren't the ones who were hurting him. It was wrong...

He didn't deserve that. No one deserved to be beaten up and treated like dirt.

Someone had to help.

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