Dadzawa's Number One Headache

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Shouta sighed as he dragged away the three thugs that the problem child had been fighting. When he had passed where they were it had taken him a moment, but once he caught a glimpse of the kid's eyes, he knew exactly who it was. Those eyes were impossible to forget.

He didn't even know how the kid had managed to piss off three random guys so much that they were pointing a gun at his head, but what really bothered him was how calm he was when he showed up.

He had been patrolling and heard some scuffling and decided to check it out just in case. That was when he caught a glimpse of the kid's tell-tale green curls and the three guys threatening him with a gun. And the kid had just sat there, as if waiting for them to pull the trigger, like he didn't care.

But that couldn't be the case...right?

The station doors slid open as Eraser approached and Tsukauchi was not surprised to see three unconscious criminals being carted around by a very tired looking Aizawa. He stepped away from his desk and joined his friend as he lugged his cargo to the interrogation rooms.

"Hiya Eraser, nice catch of the day."

"They're not my catch actually."

The statement surprised Tsuki at least a bit, but not nearly as much as Eraser's mood. Usually, the underground hero was reserved and apathetic but tonight he just seemed annoyed and tired, more so than usual.

Tsukauchi jogged to keep up and looked Aizawa in the eye, "What's up? Did someone try to offer you hobo money again?"


"Then what has you so pissed?"

Eraser waited for Tsuki to open the door to one of the interrogation rooms and then left the three criminals to two other officers who were standing nearby. "Remember that kid I was talking about the other night, the one who was roof jumping?"

The detective thought for a moment, even though he knew exactly who they were talking about. He just liked to tease his friend and cause him as much trouble as he causes him. "Oh mean the one that you swore you'd never run into again? Did you tell him hi for me?"

"It didn't come up." Eraser gave him a tired look (although that was really just his default expression). "Anyway, I found him fighting these guys in an alley."

"Didn't you say he was just a kid? Against these three...he must have some guts."

"Oh, he has something alright. When I showed up, he had a gun pressed to his head and the kid didn't even flinch."

This was new. Usually, Aizawa wasn't one to get attached too quickly, but from what Tsukauchi could tell, this kid had him caught like a worm on a hook. It was interesting to watch, "Where is he now?"

"I left him in the alley."

"Alone? And you expect him to just sit there like a good child?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure that I scared him enough for him to stay put, but even if I didn't, the universe seems to want to make me suffer and will probably keep on putting him in my path. So it's only a matter of time until I see him again, most likely getting himself into another fight, but ya know-"

The detective smiled to himself and held in a laugh, "Well it looks like you've got your work cut out for you. Children are a lot of work, are you sure you're ready to be a dad?"

"I'm not a dad. I am a teacher and hero and it's my job to protect people, he just so happens to fall under that category and is a child."

"Sure, sure, just keep telling yourself that." This time he couldn't help but start laughing at the glare he was getting from him friend who started walking away. "And I'm serious! Tell him I said hi, maybe bring him by the station sometime."

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