RIP that Katsuki ayeeee~

Start from the beginning

"Long story short, we stopped being friends and he started bullying me pretty badly. I still have some scars from his worst attacks, but that's whatever. Anyway, so then I died, and I saw him at my funeral, but he didn't see me and then we just made eye contact in there and it's just all such a mess. Not to mention everything that just went down with my bastard of a father-" Izuku's words died off as his mind caught up with his mouth. His eyes widened and slowly looked at Shinso who was staring at him with literal plates in his eye sockets.

He hadn't meant to say all that, but he just couldn't help it! He finally had a friend that he could talk to (kind of?) and it was so easy to just dump all of the trauma of his life while he was on the train of self-pity, and he might've revealed more than he was supposed to.

"Uh, so I think I've said a bit too much..."

His friend continued to gape at him before his mouth eventually closed and his eyes went back to their normal size. "I'm sorry, we're not just going to speed right past that, did you say that you died?"

That was what he was concerned about? "Yeah? I thought that you already knew?"

"I mean you and Eraserhead have joked about it before, but I didn't think that you guys were actually being serious!"

"Oh...uh, yeah. I actually can't die."

"Uh huh," Shinso nodded his head while continuing to gawk at Izuku with disbelief, "And how exactly did you find that out?"

"You know what? I'd rather not get into all that right now. That's a whole different box of trauma-"


"Okay fine!" He had only known Shinso for a short amount of time, but there was no mistaking that tone in his voice. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. "So, I might've...maybe...triedtokillmyselfaftermyformerchildbestfriendtoldmeto."

He had tried to say it as fast and quiet as he could in an attempt to deflect Shinso, but by the look on the boy's face it was clear that he understood exactly what he had said.

"What?" He let out in a low voice.

"Uh, yeah so anyway it's getting kinda late, maybe we should be-"

"Midoriya, this is serious. You're telling me that friend of yours-Katsuki-told you to kill yourself after years of bullying and tormenting you?"

Izuku nodded gingerly, afraid of what his friend's next reaction would be. He had honestly not seen this coming and didn't know how to respond.

"Does Eraserhead know?"

He had to think about that for a minute, "He knows that I tried to kill myself, but I don't think I ever told him the reason."

"We're going to him right now." Shinso stood up and began walking down the sidewalk.

Izuku scrambled to his feet and called out after him, "Wait, what? Shinso you can't do that!"

"And why not?"


"Because you're scared? You don't want to get Katsuki in trouble?"

As much as he hated to admit it, that was exactly why he didn't want to get Eraser involved. He knew that as soon as he did, the pro would be outside the Bakugou's apartment ready to drag Katsuki out by his hair and have a 'talk' with him. And he didn't think that even Auntie Mitsuki could take him.

"I-" he tried but was cut off by Shinso."

"Nothing. What he did to you is not okay and you need to know that."

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