Chapter Twenty-Seven: Calm Before The Storm

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You glide down the stairs, in your dress fitted at the top, floating around you at the bottom, picked out to match Fred's orange waistcoat. You smile half way down to the sound of Molly in the garden 

"Please pay attention! It's your brother's wedding. Buck up." You eventually find George. 

"Hows the ear?" 

"What ear?" He jests with a smile "its alright, can't get this bandage to work, keep making it bleed" he says fiddling about with it. 

"Come on, there's more in the kitchen, I'll do it for you,  had enough practice" you both chuckle. 

"Wheres Freddie?" 

"Upstairs, he's only just got out the shower" you roll your eyes playfully, he wasn't one for bright and early. 

"Oh yeah, keep him busy did you?" 

"Keep your mind out the gutter Weasley" you shove.

"Oh, speaking of. . ." he whispers to you and point at Harry and Ginny from across the kitchen. You laugh silently. George deciding to creep in like a cartoon, stealthily, into the kitchen where his tea was, he sips it, leaning against the counter until Ginny spots her brother immediately backing away from Harry. 

"Mooorrrnniiing" he says as the two break apart, giving them a huge comical wink before Ginny runs off a little red in the cheeks. Harry watches her leave then looks at George who gives him a look, one that needed no words, it was warning enough. 

"Wow, you just scared the great Harry Potter" you chuckle as you watch Harry make himself scares

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"Wow, you just scared the great Harry Potter" you chuckle as you watch Harry make himself scares. 

"Well, just need to make sure he knows if anything happens to Ginny" 

"I think Ginny can handle herself" You smile, walking over to George getting some fresh bandages and the potion Fred had used on your face after the world cup. "But I should warn you, Harry being my brother, might have to go into protective mode myself" you give him a look. 

"Doubt you'll be as scary as me" he chides. 

"You wanna bet?" 

"Ouch..." he winced as you clean the dried blood "not anymore" he says lightly. 

"Sorry" You laugh having not meant to hurt him "the potion stings, the rest you won't feel" you say softly as you wrap the bandage round his head. 

"Its alright, you're actually even gentler than mum" he smiles "thank you." 

"What are friends for?" You smile as you finish up. "So who's the mystery date you've asked because I can't believe you've managed to keep that a secret!" 

"Its a surprise. . ." George says just to annoy you. Thats when you hear Fred coming downs the stairs. 

"When I get married," said Fred, tugging at his tie, still half asleep "I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like" he reaches the kitchen and goes to get his wand out for the tie but you stop him, walking over and taking it off before starting to tie it yourself  "and I'll put a full Body-Bind Curse on Mum until it's all over." He says with passion as you sake your head smiling. 

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