Chapter Seventeen: Hear Me Out

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"Be safe today ok love" Fred kisses you on the top of the head as he hugs you goodbye.

"Yeah careful now Y/N, apparently Muggles eat Wizards" George says sarcastically earning a swat from his brother. 

"I'll watch my back" you laugh as you put your coat on. "Oh and I want to see these posters before you take them to school, you need to be explicit about what it is they're testing." you give them a raised brow. 

"Testers?" Hermione ask as she, Ron and Harry walk in the room. 

"Snackboxes" you explain. 

"Who usually tests it?"

"Us" Fred points between the three of you "We take it in turns, Y/N did the Fainting Fancies" You roll your eyes and then smile. 

"We both tried the Nosebleed Nougat" Fred motioned between him and his brother. 

"Mum thought we'd been duelling" said George as if he was fond of the memory. You all hear another meeting going on and stare down the corridor, amused as Molly rages. 

"I love hearing Mum shouting at someone else" said Fred, with a satisfied smile on his face as you hear Sirius getting a talking to about Harry not being James. But you humour is cut short by the scathing words of the house elf. 

"And there's the twins, unnatural little beasts they are." You glare as Kreacher comes down the stairs, you flick out you wand making him flinch, your face pure rage. 

"Stop!!" Hermione grabs your had and you giver her a look "he's just a. . ." Hermione starts but your too enraged to hear the speech, that and you'd never hurt him really, it wasn't in your nature. 

"Save it. You can be kind to all creatures great and small  Hermione, yes. And believe me, I get house elf are misunderstood and enslaved and it's wrong" You pause  "but that one" you point at Kreacher who looks at you with a twisted smile, for everyone to see "is a dickhead" you say plainly, turning back to Hermione. Ron, Harry and the boys stifle a laugh as Kreacher rolls his eyes, dickhead, a muggle phrased he though and slunk away. "Anyway, you ready?" You smile brightly at Harry.

"Why is it you're going with them?" Hermione asks, you sense she already knows the answer but still pushes it. 

"Family matter" you give her a look, but not an angry one, a sad one to which she instantly puts her hand out to touch your arms gently. 

"You don't have to?" Harry says, oblivious to what just took place between you and his friend.

"Of course I do, I want to see Arthur amongst the muggles" You say with great joy,  "plus he'd said he's be my mentor, take me on as an assistant if I wanted to come work with him after school finishes" you say happily. 

"You're weird" George jests. 

"Just don't go all Percy on us" Fred says, a little bitterly, still no word from their ministry loving brother. 

"Come here you" you give him one more hug before joining Arthur and Harry on their trip to the hearing.

 Your wishing of seeing Arthur amongst the muggles was all you could have wished for as Arthur stands very stiffly as he looks like he's trying to blend in on the escalator. You walk though the subway with your ticket, and then turn waiting for Harry and his, for all intents and purposes his adoptive father figure. Mr Weasley watches you, then the other muggles slide their cards into the machine.  "Trains. Underground. Ingenious these Muggles." He marvels as he tried to swipe his hand to open the barriers. 

"Arthur . . " you struggle back a laugh as Harry as you pulls his and Mr Weasley's  tickets out and feeds them through allowing them though, you catch Harry look at you, wildly baffled at the entire affair.

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