Chapter Six: Sixth Year

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Sixth year started off, in many ways the same as had now become tradition since rescuing Harry the first time, with a mission to get Harry to school.  "What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?" Ron asked as you all found yourselves squashed inside a dirty fireplace. 

"Oh, no, Ron"  came Fred's voice from behind you, very sarcastically. "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up." 

"Move over" you huff and you take your wand out, before casting a spell that blasts opened the wood that was currently closing up the fireplace you'd landed in. "Much better" you smile widely as you all chaotically climb out of the fireplace and into the Dudley's living room. "Now where is he?" 

As usual Harry's aunt and uncle put up a right fight, trying to keep Harry form going to school... as the boys tussle Harry back into the Fireplace, the twins leaving a little something for little Dudley. As you get ready to leave, you catch Petunia staring at you, an expression on her face you couldn't quite pinpoint and she couldn't quite seem get the words out to explain why she was staring. 

"Quick, we're in trouble!" You hear Fred and George pull you up via floo powder up the chimney. 

"What the hell happened?" You dust yourself off, back in the comfort of the Burrow. 

"Did he eat it?" Fred doesn't answer your question as he spots Harry, turning his attention to him excitedly, holding out a hand to pull Harry to his feet.

"Yea" said Harry, straightening up with a smile on his face "What was it?"

"Ton-Tongue Toffee" Fred brightly beamed "George and I invented them" He said proudly. 

"They've been been looking for someone to test them on all summer..." You roll your eyes, joining in the fun. 

"That wasn't funny, Fred!" Arthur shouted as he walked over  "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?" he questioned dusting himself off, obviously having stayed to put it right. 

"I didn't give him anything" Fred shrugged with another evil grin. "I just dropped it" he said casually "it was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him too." as if that was the soundest logic in the world. 

"How big did his tongue get?" George eagerly asks as Arthur throws his hands into the air. Harry did an impression of it, still smiling. 

"A muggle!!" You heard Arthur exclaim. 

"We didn't give it to him because he was a Muggle!"  Fred protested indignantly.

"No, we gave it to him because he's a great bullying git" George finished off his line of thought. 

"Right well, lets all get cleaned up before your mother goes ballistic..." Arthur shrugged off his coat as everyone scattered you walked over to join Arthur in the kitchen as he sets the tea to make itself, tea cups wizzing past your head. 

"Mr Weasley..." you say tentatively. 

"Arthur, please..." he smiles warmly at you "I think we've known each other long enough for any of that formal nonsense..." he squeezes your shoulder in a fatherly manner before handing you a cup of tea. 

"Thank you, Arthur..." you beam but then your smile fades a little "I - can I ask you something?" 

"Anything Y/N" 

"Do you know who my parents are, I mean my real ones, my...." you pause confused how to word it "my magical ones" you both laugh lightly at your choice of words. 

"Listen Y/N, what you have to understand is..." 

"You promised Remus and Sirius you wouldn't say didn't you?" 

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