Chapter Two: Fourth Year

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"Brilliant" your eyes gleam as the boys tell you their plan. Ron knew exactly which brothers to convince to help him rescue Harry, and that you'd need no convincing at all. After not answering a single letter from Ron despite him asking if he wanted to come stay, Ron began to worry about his new friend Harry, that's when he told you about how Harry was treated by his aunt and uncle and you'd nearly flipped a table. 

Quietly climbing into the car, you all set off to Surry. Fred driving, you and George in the back whilst Ron rode shotgun. Fourth year was already off to an amazing start and it wasn't even school yet. Fred skill-fully glides the car next to the window as you see an astonished Harry look out at the blue Ford Anglia. Ron rolls the window down. 

"Ron? Fred, George, Y/N?" What are you all doing here?"  Harry is in a state of shock as he opens the window though the bars. 

"Rescuing you, of course. Where's your trunk?" You all smile as Ron answers a bewildered but defiantly happier Harry. He stops short.

"But you can't magic me out?" You were all still underage, the trace still on you. 

"We don't need to," said Ron, jerking his head towards the twins and grinning. "You forget who I've got with me." 

"Tie that round the bars"  said Fred, throwing the end of a rope to George who hands it to you. Holding you as you lean out the car window to attach it. Harry, jumping into action and hurriedly packing his trunk, getting changed out of his PJ's. 

"Might wanna stand back..." you motion to Harry who immediately scuttles backwards. "Ready" you nod to Fred who puts his foot down on the accelerator as he turns the car a little, causing the Ford Anglia to fly up into the air, the ropes snapping tight, he revels a few times before you hear an almighty clatter arising, the bars are torn from the window, dropping to the floor in a mangled mess of brick and glass. You and George high five  as Fred reverses, lining up the boot of the car with the window so Harry can get his trunk in. Spinning the car round to the side, Harry tries desperately to get Hedwig into the car as his own bedroom door bursts open. "Shit, hurry up Harry!!" You yell, pulling the bird into the car as the Dudley family come bursting in. Vernon reaching for Harry, both hands to Harry's ankle, pulling harder and harder against your attempts to pull harry inside. Harry hangs, stretched high over the lawn, directly above the mangled steel bars.

"Hold on Harry" Ron shouts.

"Oh no boy! You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" Vernon shouts, hanging out the window as well and thats when an idea hits you.  

"Hang on..." you reach into your pockets and pull out a small party popper, leaning though the window you aim it at Vernon before popping it with a bang and sending confetti and Vernon to the floor below,  giving Ron and George time to pull Harry up into the car. 

"Get your foot down Fred!" as Fred pulls away, you all watch as Vernon curses you, sat in his bush. 

"What the bloody hell was that?" Fred looked at you though the wing mirror, as Harry shuffles into the back next to you. 

"Party popper, it's a muggle thing, I brought it for Harry's birthday." You says earning a proud look from Fred. 

"Oh yeah, by the way Harry.... Happy Birthday" Ron says as you all fly home, buzzing on excitement. On the way back you all sit talking, on an adrenaline rush from the adventure. Harry tells the you, Ron and the twins about Dobby. 

"Very fishy" said Fred finally.

"Definitely dodgy"  agreed George. 

"So he wouldn't even tell you who's supposed to be plotting all this stuff?" You ask with a  curious skepticism. 

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