Chapter 96: Yan Rui made his face crooked.

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At 5:30 the next day, Yan Rui got up, did some exercises first, then went to have breakfast. After breakfast, he took a rest and ran in the morning.

Then began the first training of the day.


Tang Ming looked at the six people standing in a row solemnly, and explained in a loud voice: "Fighting is what you must learn here. It can be divided into unarmed fighting and weapon fighting."

"We mainly fight with apprentices today, and unarmed fighting is fighting without weapons."

"For example, boxing, wrestling, taekwondo, muay thai, sanda, sumo, kick boxing, mixed martial arts, etc. we see on weekdays."

"The requirements of this show are that you must learn close combat in a short period of time. It is normal for you to collide when practicing combat. Don't scream in pain."

"The men and women are separated, and I will teach you what is suitable according to your training situation in the past few days."

"But let me explain in advance that if you can't do what I ask, you can leave at any time if you are tired and afraid of pain. If you decide to stay, you must obey, did you hear me!"

Everyone is afraid of being tired and afraid of pain, but after all, they are recording a show, and they have already arrived here. They have to persevere with gritted teeth, otherwise they cannot bear the training and leave the show in the middle. It is estimated that netizens will be sprayed to death when it is broadcast.

For the fighting training, the two female stars are a little scared. After all, it is a real fight.

The man was eager to try. Duan Lin thought differently from them. His whole mind was on Yan Rui. The fighting training was not easy to hear.

Duan Lin frowned and looked at Yan Rui worriedly, feeling a little uneasy.

Yan Rui gave him a look that reassured him.

Yan Rui was never afraid of fighting.

At the beginning, he was able to knock Tang Feng down with one punch. If Tang Ming dared to provoke him, he would also dare.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Tang Ming's name.

"Now I'll show you a demonstration, you need one person to cooperate, Yan Rui is listed!"

Sure enough, he was called, Yan Rui smiled and stood up, but he didn't know how to cooperate, so he stood aside.

Then Tang Ming squeezed his arm with one hand and explained to the four: "Judging from the physical training results of these two people, Yan Rui's physical fitness is the best..."

Yan Rui frowned and glanced down at the position where Tang Ming was pinching.

There is a groove on the three fingers of the shoulder. This position is very clever. It is the most vulnerable place in the entire arm and the most painful place.

With Tang Ming's slow explanation, the strength in his hand increased a lot, Yan Rui stood close and could clearly see the blue veins on the back of his hand.

Squinting, just caught Tang Ming's disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tang Ming thought how capable Yan Rui was, but when he pinched the small arm, he felt that it would shatter if he pinched it lightly.

He really couldn't figure out how Tang Feng could be defeated by this man.

Presumably on the day of the duel, Tang Feng was defeated only by being tricked.

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