"He'll make it, it's okay." He assures me.

Sweat beads at the base of my spine, nerves churning in my stomach and then the door opens.

Enzo slides in beside me, telling the driver to go. Relief washes over me at the sight of him. I grab his hand, needing the contact from both of them and Enzo's lips curl into a smirk. "Were you worried about me, topolina?"

My brow dips in a glare. "Of course I was worried about you!"

"Well I'm fine." He grins but it's weak and not nearly as mischievous as it usually is.

He releases my hand, removing his suit jacket and I gasp at the blood staining the white fabric covering his arm. "You aren't fine, you're bleeding!"

He unbuttons his shirt, revealing the bullet wound on his arm and my stomach sinks at the sight.

"He got me as soon as I exited the house, cheap shot." He mutters. "I got him back though."

He tears a strip of fabric off his shirt and hands it to me, wincing as I tie it around his bicep, as a makeshift tourniquet. He'll need to have the bullet removed but this should help with the bleeding until he can be seen by someone. He wipes the blood off of his arm with the remaining scraps of his shirt before tossing it onto the floorboard and taking my hand back in his.

We sped all the way to the airstrip and I can't help but glance behind us to see if anyones following, although Enzo assured me they weren't. A security guard opened the gate for us when we arrived and locked it behind us as we entered the private airstrip. A man with golden blonde hair greets us by the plane.

"I appreciate this, your loyalty will be rewarded tenfold." Enzo tells him.

"Your Papa was a good man, an even better Don. No thanks is necessary, it's an honor to help." He replies with a genuine smile.

"Polina, this is Franco. He was my fathers best friend. Franco, this is Polina." Enzo says, introducing us.

"It's lovely to meet you." Franco replies " A beautiful woman and a handsome man, your Papa would be proud."

Enzo chuckles lightly. "I think so too."

"Everything's ready. The sooner we take off the better." Franco says, growing serious.

Enzo's happiness quickly melts away as his eyes meet Luca's. Luca pulls me into a hug, burying my face in his chest and I melt against him. Love blooms in my heart, the feeling spreading down my body with a wave of warmth. Enzo comes up behind me, completing us and I've never felt more at home than I do in the arms of these two men. Enzo brushes the hair away from my neck, pressing a kiss right below my ear just before I feel a prick of pain in my neck.

"What—" I struggle against Luca's hold but between the two of them I can't manage to move even an inch. "What are you doing, let me go!" Panic sets in, my breathing growing erratic.

"We love you too." Enzo murmurs against my ear and my head swims.

He pulls away and I stumble over my feet as I try to step away from Luca.

"Be sure they all make it to the hotel safely. Fill their pockets with rubles so they're taken care of. They have a godfather there who will protect them from what she's told me." Enzo explains.

Godfather? But he's in Moscow.

My limbs grow heavy, my eyelids drooping. I lose all use of my legs and slump against Luca. If it weren't for his arms I would hit the ground. I feel them each brush a kiss across my face before I'm lifted into unfamiliar arms.

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