Untitled Part 18

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That was exactly what they were discussing while they went to teachers' table.

Albus looked at them both, curiously.

"They won't tell me anything now, don't be silly!" Complained Minerva.

"Of course they will, they are always talking about that thing, you have to be one of them now. As an infiltrate" answered Moddy.

"I won't be an infiltrate I'm first grade and I have to study and do things!"

"What's going on?" interrupted Dumbledore.

"Are those things more important that save li..."

"He is going on!" Minerva complained again pointing to Alastor.

"Me? Come on, McGonagall!" Alastor rolled eyes

"Why are you fighting? This is not a time to fight among ourselves."

"Because he told everybody that I love that... ridiculous Riddle boy" Minerva crossed her arms.

"Yes, and now she can go with the girls who follow him all day long and know and listen everything" said Alastor smiling because it was brilliant in his opinion.

"That is not exactly subtle" Albus frowned a little.

"Well, no so much, but how could he know? He couldn't so it's the perfect disguise and I can't do it because I'm a boy." Alastor smirked.

"But he knows that she is closer to me than to anyone else." Explained Albus.

"But she doesn't have to talk with him directly, just with the girls!"

"I'm still think that they will consider me a rival, won't tell me anything and this is stupid." She complained.

"Come on, what a rival? You are a first grade! And not so pretty." Alastor wrinkled his nose.

"You are such a gentleman, aren't you?" Minerva answered, so sarcastic.

"Come on, both of you" Albus "scolded" them.

They both snorted.

"She already had a conversation with Tom, I don't want her to have another. Did they believe that you are in love with him?"

"Yes" said Alastor at the same time that Minerva said "I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Because they know that I'm not that kind of girl." She said, raising her chin.

"Come on, they don't know anything, and you even blushed, it was very convincing." Alastor shrugged

"You blushed" Dumbledore smiled softly.

"No!" She blushed a little again. Just because that is... more or less what they did in her old school with Dougal. And the idea of liking a boy... well... made her uncomfortable.

"He is not a good boy, please don't like him"

"I don't do it!"

"Hmm... " Dumbledore kept frowning a bit. "Did you found out anything?"

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to hear you after saying that he is not so bad and all that girls crap." Alastor complained.

"He didn't go to Hogsmeade" said her ignoring Moody "He was studying."

"Yes, yes, History of Hogwarts, we know that." Alastor added.

"Studying where?"

"In Slytherin common room, as always" answered Moody.

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