Untitled Part 7

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Then, when the class was finally ended, they said goodbye to each other in the door and take their different ways.

Minerva went outside to her first flying lesson with Hufflepuff.

Today was fortunately a not so cloudy day, so she couldn't protest as far she wanted.

The teacher introduced herself when they were next to the broomsticks and told them what to do.

It seemed still ridiculous to her, because the broomsticks, as she saw in Diagon Alley (she remembered), were stylish and elegant and she had to agree with Poppy that they were not so close to the standard cleaning object but anyway. Rolling eyes. She passed all her life walking to go from one place to another, and hating all the related to the female chores class, (which one she obtained the highest grades anyways) She could not see why suddenly this wasn't the acceptable way to do the things anymore.

And this was like the physical education class, she never liked it. She liked soccer and rugby but she liked more to watch it than to really play because anyways the boys were used to monopolize almost all the game and forbidden the girls to play with them at school.

The first thing to do was to call the broomstick in a bossy and confident tone, to make it come to their hands, said the teacher.

Minerva glared the poor thing with her pending-patent raised-eyebrow "Do you really think that I have time or some intention to joke, Mr. Potter?" looking and almost the grass and some little rocks flew to her hand too, without having to say a word.

She smiled a little with that, because only some of her mates achieved it. None of them had achieved it without saying a word, though. But here you go, Minerva, you were here to bring order and obedience. Enjoy your real power.

She waited, very proud of herself, looking at the other kids. Thanks god that she wasn't being an itch on the arse today too or maybe could make everybody hate her even more.

Wait! This was exactly what was happening!

Someone pushed her a little when they were riding the broomsticks, feet still on the floor, but it took her by surprise while was thinking about flying while wearing the uniform skirt.

So the broomstick flew a little and she jumped to get down the broomstick, falling to the floor and making everybody laugh.

Minerva frowned and stood up again recovering her position as if nothing would have happened.

And she was one of the firsts to make it fly properly. After a while, the teacher allowed them to do some turns and go even a little farer while she explained to the stragglers.

Some of the kids went to play with a little ball, but obviously they didn't invite Minerva to join their game. Anyway, it was not going to discourage her, so she took the broomstick and tried to fly to the forest and then come back.

And this, everybody, was exactly the moment when Minerva ate her own words. Never in her life she had done anything so fun! She was never going to get off the broomstick. Would they mind if she went in a broomstick by the corridors to go from one class to another?

She flew over the castle, looking for Poppy or Alonna... or, OK, maybe also for Mr. Pyjamas in the classrooms' windows to wave her hand and say hello.

But she didn't want to distract them, so she stopped soon, but she flew around the astronomy tower, before to almost killing the seventh grade Slytherin prefect with a notebook when she tried to land in the owlery.

He was in a fury rage and yelled to her until she apologized. Then his attitude changed, and he became very nice and charming. He had an intense look, he was brown-haired, tall and for some other girls not so into the good guys, a kind of cute.

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