Untitled Part 3

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Anyways, she took a toothpick from Dumbledore's table before following it.

So, she followed the parrot until the dungeons, trying to not be closer than five meters. She opened the door with care, trying to be very quiet and don't disturb the lesson.

Slughorn was already explaining the first potion to be done, trying to gather information of each of the new students... the interesting ones, and ignoring pretty much the others.

Minerva tried to enter without being noticed, looking for an empty chair, but dear, Fawkes entered the class and went directly to Professor Slughorn. With Albus Dumbledore's voice, it sounded...

"Minerva McGonagall is late because she was with me. Please excuse her."

Anyways she hid herself a little, taking advantage of the confusion and... She had no other option that to plead guilty. Everybody at that school should start to get used to that patronus with that message.

Yes. OF COURSE. I almost think that Minerva learned to do his patronus to be able to send it saying exactly that. Day 1 and you are already WITH HIM!

Anyway, she looked for a hole, waiting to be scolded by the professor... who... oh, my god! He is actually the "normal one".

"Oh, so you were late for being with professor Dumbledore, huh? Ten points from Gryffindor."

"Wait, what?"

"Open your book, page three."

"But... excuse me, sir, but... that wasn't Gryffindor's fault." She said, because she was actually sure that all the Gryffindor on her grade thought she was a nerd and didn't like her little much, so... this was going to make it worst!

"Silence, please. Chop the Lizander Stone... "

She frowned and... Opened her book in silence. Looking for the page three and thinking that this is very unfair but... Well, she was late, so... She had no chance to complain.

She glanced sideways her tablemate, at least, she was in the first row, but he was a green house's boy who seemed not so smart. Anyway don't give her enough confidence to ask him what she missed. All of this were Dumbledore's fault. If he only did not lose all the class time...

The green dressed boy smiled mockingly anyway.

She read the page... That simply seemed a recipe to make some kind of... What the hell was that? Potions? It was like making a soup but with strange things... So she thought that the logical way to do it was to start trying to find the ingredients she needed. Everybody had their ingredients on their tables, so she did not know where to look for them.

"Excuse me, do you know where all this ingredients are?" She asked in a whisper to the green house's boy.

"Ugh... he gave them to us."

Ugh. Minerva squeezed her eyes and raised her hand to catch again teacher's attention; she still did not know his name.

It took a while before he came here. She patiently waited.

"I'm sorry, sir but... I don't have the ingredients."

"Oh... hmmm" he flicked his wand and they appeared. "Hurry up."

So she... nodded a little and tried to see what the others were doing. A disaster, that's what they were doing or at least some of them. Don't worry, you for sure have helped your mother cook.

Yes, yes... but it was not the same cut the bloody blue carrots in slices than in cubes!

Ah, well that is right... you will suck too then.

Minerva McGonagall and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now