Untitled Part 13

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Now they were sitting on the kitchen table. Really, Minerva, did you think you were going to be able to go to the ministry to work? You've been presented as the Deputy Headmistress since... eleven.

Well... in fact, yes, she will go... and come back in a record time.

"So you were saying that I'm missing opportunities. Like what?"

"Yes, it's because of your office" She laughed because it is something very silly, but he was still interested and it's fun.

"What about my office?"

"You know, when someone go to visit you..."

"Yes? What then?"

"You do... what do you do? To see who is outside."

"I see you've noticed" He smiled.

"Yes, you never ask: who?"

"I have a... spell."

"I imagine, but you are losing a world of opportunities of knock knock jokes."

"Knock knock... jokes?"

"Yes..." she glanced at him sideways because he couldn't... he had to know what is a knock knock joke.

"I'm not familiar with those jokes..."

"How this is possible?" She raised her eyebrows.

"What jokes are those?"

"Is like... I say: knock knock and you ask me: who?"


"And I say: cow says, and you ask again: cow says who? And I say: Nooo, cow says mooo... well this is a bad example but you know what I mean."

He looked a her for a few seconds

"I mean, these are not very good jokes."

He started laughing. She stared at him because this is like unbelievable, but smiled a little because she liked his laugh. He was honestly laughing out loud.

"That's a great joke!" You like his laugh, you are in looooove

"It isn't!" She was almost laughing too (She is not in love!)

"It is a great one!"

"Come on! It's funny!"

"I can't believe that you didn't heard it before."

"I have not! Is it a famous joke?

"Well, no. Not that one in particular, but there are like thousands as that."

"Thousands?! How come have I never heard one before?!"

"I don't know, that's what I say!"

"So... how does it work?

"Knock, knock" said Minerva smiling without realising what was probably provoking with this.

Maybe she would have to say one of these jokes every time she would go to see him.

Maybe Gryffindor would past until Christmas having to say these jokes as password to the fat lady as the Ravenclaw solve their puzzles.

Maybe she was going to be the knock knock girl until her graduation because of all of this.

But nothing of it really mattered if she achieved to make him laugh.

Even if she wasn't used to make and to know that kind of jokes, but... she liked to make him laugh because she felt good.

It was nothing strange, she liked to make laugh her family and friends too, and if him wasn't really someone to put in that categories, because he was and adult, and she never had an adult as a friend, and obviously, he wasn't of her family... He reminded her to her father and it made him felt familiar.

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