Chapter. 8

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Bella's POV-


I lean against Edward's chest and sigh in content, a lot of weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I feel lighter, more relaxed, the guilt, the pain, the sorrow has left me and drifted away, for the first time in 462 years, I feel happy, peaceful, loved.

A twig snaps behind us, I growl defensively, turning around I see my family and the Denali's, well this isn't awkward.

'Did they hear?' I ask in my head, Edward shakes his head; I exhale, only just realizing I had been holding my breath. A few seconds of silence pass, I speak up first.

"Well... Now you know what I am," I smile nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"How did you just disappear like that, and Edward?" Elazar questions.

"I'm a shield cousin, but it has different abilities," I look down at my feet to avoid my parents and siblings eyes.  A pair of hands snake around my waist, I turn my head to see Edward, I smile weakly at him.

I can just turn invisible and escape, but that would make them angry, Edward pulls me closer against his side, "Don't run," he whispers against my ear. He rubs the nape of my neck, it calms me, along with Jasper's gift

I glare at him playfully; he knows I hate it when he controls my emotions. Jasper abruptly stops, he fears me, they're afraid of me, no! You're not supposed to be scared of me!

I wrap my telepathic shield around Elazar to see what he has told them, the answer causes me to growl.  "You told them what?" I hiss, pulling forward, Edward releases me in shock, I walk towards Elazar, he backs away, holding his hands out, shielding himself.

"N-Nothing," he lies, don't lie, I already know.

"You told them I was dangerous, that I was taking advantage of them, that they should kill me at the first chance they got-" I start to walk towards the Cullen's, they back away like Elazar, cowards.

"And you believed them!" my anger is rising ever second, I have to release it something, rather than someone, I punch one if the oak trees, timber!

I flinch as it hits the ground, I'm strong... "D-Don't hurt us," Rose pleads, I'm scaring them, aren't I?

"Never, those... myths," I growl, glancing at Elazar, but continue in a soft voice "Are just that, myths, not real, made up, a horror story you could say, look, if I wanted to kill you, I would of done it as soon as you found me, but I didn't, I trusted you, I loved you, and you loved me," I barely whisper the last part.

"We still do!" everyone shouts, well, nearly everyone.

"I know you do, and I love you back, but you have knocked my trust in you, it may be a while before you gain that back, but, it's never too early to start," I smile and open up my arms, they embrace me, "Okay guys, y-you're choking me,"

They release me, Emmett being the last one to let go.

"I assume you have questions?" Everyone nods eagerly, apart from Tanya, who's still giving me a look of death, can't she just give up already? I ignore her, peeing her off more, I chuckle and follow my family back to the house.


Edward sits down on the couch; I sit down on his lap, leaning against his chest.

"Tanya," he murmurs against my ear, I look over to her, she's glaring at me, yet again, I bite my lip in order not to smile.

"It's working," I reply mentally to him.

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