Day 23

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Day 23: Rewrite of Favorite Game {book 3} ❣

"Im gonna find you!" You watched Mic's boots walk past the front of your hiding spot under the table as you let out a muffled giggle into your palm. Suddenly hands grabbed you from behind and ripped you from your hiding spot and above your pops head as you squealed with joy "Found you!" 

Aizawa came running out the kitchen to see his husband holding their five-year-old daughter above his head "Why are you two yelling?" You turned to him with a bright smile "We're playing hide and seek, it's my favorite game! Come play with us dad, I bet you're really good at it!"


You managed to wedge yourself between a garbage bin and the brick wall of the ally as you heard their boots hitting the pavement. You can tell by just the sound that Mic is frantically searching while Aizawa is being logical and precise. Aizawa's boots stopped in front of the garbage bin as you tried to shallow out your breath knowing all too well Mic's hearing is super.

"Kitten." Oh he sounds mad "I know this is your favorite game but your not gonna like what happens if you keep playing. It's time to come home." Those words used to mean you didn't wanna leave the park and after a few minutes Aizawa had enough of your childish game of hiding in hopes he would give up and let you play a bit longer but now, oh now those words were scary with a much darker meaning.

Mic spoke up next but his voice didn't hold anger, it held worry "Just come out and you won't be in trouble, promise." You heard that a lot as a kid too and just like now it's an obvious lie. You then heard Aizawa sigh "Fine, but remember you did this to yourself. Go ahead Mic." 


Your hands shot up to cover your ears in a failed attempt at saving them from the brunt of the attack. Your ears were being beaten by the scream and all the alarms that sounded off because of it. You felt the blood start pouring out your ears, the loud ringing, the pain shooting through them it was all so bad it caused your vision to blur. 

You stood and like a scared child ran to your pops "Stop! Please! Dad it hurts!" You threw yourself into his chest wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug in hopes of appealing to his parental instants. You think it worked because his quick quickly stopped and you felt him lightly push cotton swabs into your bleeding ears before slipping his soundproof headphones over your still sensitive ears to stop them from having to hear the alarms still going off nearby. 

Aizawa came over and handed you some pain relievers and a little bottle of water. You don't know what hurt more the fact they just did that to you or the fact they had clearly planned to do it from the beginning. Aizawa scooped you up and turned to Mic, you couldn't hear but you could read his lips

'I'll take her home, you gonna be ok dealing with the cops on your own?' 'Fight went wrong and the villain got away, it's as easy as that.' Aizawa nodded 'Alright, im gonna go put her down for a nap and clean up that Shinsou mess.' 'Love ya.'


(583 Words)

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