Day 2

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Day 2: Being to self-sacrificing for your own good  

Aizawa grabbed Mic's bouncing leg "Calm down." Causing Mic to scoff "Your one to talk, I can hear you grinding your teeth from here man." They both looked at each other before a nurse walked over to them "Which one of you is the husband?" Mic stood "That's me, is she alright?" The nurse nodded "Shes finally up, you can go see her."  


You turned when the door opened, Mic rushed to your side and pulled you into a hug "How ya feeling chickadee?" You smiled up at him "Im alright, I tried to get them to let Shota in too but they said immediate family only." Mic sat beside your bed "Im sure he understands, he was the one that suggested we get married exactly for times like this. I'll let him know you said you're ok."

♡A Week Later♡

"She comes home tomorrow, are you sure everything is ready Sho?" "Positive." 


"Mic I told you I can walk just fine-" "Ah ah ah, none of that. Let me baby you, you know it's what I do best." He picked you off the wheelchair and onto the bed "Yes I know but I don't need to be babied, im fine." He tsked his tongue as Aizawa walked in holding a hand full of meds "We know you're fine kitten but the doctors said to take it easy kitten." 

You laid back with a huff as he dropped the meds into your hands along with a glass of water "Bed rest means bed rest, so lay back and let Mic nanny you like he's been dying to all week." 


"I don't... I don't feel right." Mic looked up from his cuddle spot beside you "Oh! Shota it's taking its effects!" A few minutes later Aizawa entered the room with a weird-looking briefcase "Don't worry, it's not gonna hurt." You wanted to kick, scream, run but whatever they slipped in with your meds and Mic's body catching you to the bed made it almost impossible as you started blacking out. 


You woke up, you're not even sure how long later, sandwiched between your husband and boyfriend on your bed. Something that used to bring you comfort but now had an ominous vibe around it. You sat up waking both men in the process "What did you do to me?" They both looked at each other before back to you "What do you mean?" "Earlier, when Mic held me down, the weird case, what did you do to me!?"

Aizawa tried to reach for you but you flopped back falling right off the bed before crawling to the opposite corner of the room "What did you do to me!?" Mic noticed you were about to cry and quickly made his way over pulling you into a hug "I never held you down and Aizawa doesn't own a briefcase. I think those pain meds are messing with your head baby. Come on, back to bed."

He went to pick you up but you dove from the corner to the bed and ripped the weird-looking briefcase from under the bed "This! Now stop lying! What did you two do to me!?" Aizawa sighed as Mic looked away "We did what we had to-" "What is it!" Mic caved, he couldn't take the yelling "We took your quirk!" 

It took a second for your ears to stop ringing but once you did you looked up with such betrayal Mic felt his heart shatter in his chest and started crying himself "W-We had to! You were getting hurt worse and worse every time! You could have died! We just wanna protect you!" "I don't need protecting! I- I can't believe I married someone like you." You stood and ran right past a shocked Mic but before making it to the front door Aizawa's scarf wrapped around your waist and yanked you back.

You looked up to see a pissed Aizawa trying to console a heartbroken Mic "I can't believe you would say such a thing to someone who only wants the best for you. You need to be an adult about this F/n, honestly-" "Fuck you and Fuck him! You took my quirk, my career, and my dreams! If anything you need to be an adult! Let me go im leaving!" "No your not!"

Aizawa grabbed you and laid you in the middle of the bed so he could tie you down. He gagged your mouth before going back to collect Mic "She didn't mean it honey, shes just hurt right now. When she settled down and realized we did this for her, out of love, she'll feel bad for what she said to you and make it better. Alright?" "Y-yeah." 


(816 Words)

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