Day 21

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Day 21: Once Eri's out of the house Mic starts feeling empty nest syndrome, so Aizawa surprises him with a new member of the family 

Mic frowned once Eri's car was out of eyesight, he felt Aizawa place his hand on his shoulder "What's wrong?" "There goes our baby, the house is so quiet now." Aizawa took a minute before nodding "Isn't that what we've been excited for, an empty nest?" "Yes, but now that it's here I don't like it." 

♡A week later♡

Mic woke to the sound of a baby crying, he immediately shot up to see his husband rocking and humming with a bundle in his arms "Is that a baby!?" Aizawa looked up in surprise "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I wanted to surprise you tomorrow." "So it's a baby?" Aizawa went over and sat on the bed to show Mic the baby bundled up in blankets in his arms "You said you didn't want an empty nest so I got us a little egg."

Mic took the baby from Aizawa and she immediately stopped crying "It took us a full year to get everything cleared to take Shinsou home, how did you get a baby in a week?" Aizawa smiled as he kissed Mic's forehead "Don't worry about that baby, let's just worry about our F/n."  


(236 Words)

Y/n's parents waking up to a missing baby like: 👁💧👄💧👁

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