Day 10

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Day 10: Villains or Heros doing what must be done?

You woke up to a crash sound coming from the basement, you reached over to wake your boyfriends only to find their sides empty. You slowly stood and made your way down to the living room, in a whisper you called out to your boyfriends but there was no answer.

You slowly creaked the basement door open and started tip-toeing down the steps, kitchen knife in hand. When you came to the end of the stairs you looked around and saw what had made the noise. Endeavor was lying motionless on the ground beaten to a bloody pulp. You dropped the knife and let out a loud gasp on accident. Both your boyfriends turned to you with looks of horror on their faces.

"Shit babe! im so sorry you had to see this! Please believe us he deserved it!" Aizawa reached out for you but you flinched away "Please don't be scared of us, you know we'd never ever hurt you." You were brought back upstairs and put to bed as they went back to clean up their mess.


You were helping Shinsou and Eri with their homework in the living room when the tv caught your attention "Pro hero: Endeavour missing since last week!" You quickly turned the tv off "Mom...are you alright?" "You look like you've seen a ghost momma." You gave your kids a smile "Im fine just worried about your dads I guess." Shinsou gave you a smile "Dads can handle themselves, and im sure they'll find that old bastard soon." "...Yeah..."


You made sure both the kids were asleep before checking to see if Mic and Aizawa were still in their study, they were. You slipped out the door and speed-walked the empty darkening streets trying to get to the police station as quick as possible. Suddenly an all too familiar scarf wrapped around you and yanked you into a side ally "What are you doing?" "You killed a fellow hero-" Mic shoved a gag in your mouth "We had to, you don't think we would lie to you?" 

You frantically tried to escape the scarf as Aizawa sighed "This is why we hid it from you, we know you would overact. Hizashi you were right to suggest that room, she clearly will need it." 


(390 Words)

All caught up now 

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