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Backstabber - Kesha

Jennie grips on her ballpen tighter. She has been bored to death because of the combative lessons that she has to conquer every now and then in this godforsaken subject which is called Math.

Other than that, her back hurts still even though days had already passed. Jennie also feels a little dizzy because of the birth pills she has to take and as you can see, she isn't having the best day at all.

"Argh, this headache is gonna kill me." She rubs her temples, closing her eyes for a moment before focusing on the lesson again.

On the other side, Jungkook looks like he's enjoying the subject and he even laughed at that stupid Math joke their professor bursted out earlier.

"What did the area say to perimeter while arguing?" The professor asks and the classroom is still quiet as ever. "I'm trying to talk to you, but i feel like you're just going around my problems." He mocks a gruff voice. They had to force out a smile in order not to humiliate the prof.

But Jungkook laughs his ass off.

Well, at least someone enjoys that chump Math joke.

"Hey, Jennie. Are you okay?" Concerned Jungkook finally speaks. Jennie glances at the young boy and lets out a forced smile. "Yeah, I just feel a little dizzy." She admits, "I feel lightheaded."

Who wouldn't be? These birth pills are killing her and making her head feels like it has been weighing tons of blocks.

Jungkook frowns at her answer, getting a little worried. Jennie bites back a smile because Jungkook looks like a lost little bunny hopping. The bunny boy then raises his hand whilst Jennie wonders why he did that. "Sir, can I excuse myself and also Jennie? I think she needs to go to the clinic."

And Jennie widens her eyes.

"O-Oh no, i-i'm fine--" but the professor already agrees. Jennie pouts, feeling a little guilty that Jungkook will have to skip this class because of her. She was about to grab her bag when he already did it for her.

"Let me," he whispers.

Jennie smiles a little. That simple gesture makes her feel like her heart is bouncing-- oh and did she mention how she suddenly feels okay now?

They both walk on the hallway, with Jennie on the right and Jungkook on the left. He holds her cute little pink nag on his shoulder and his lips purses into a bonny pout.

Anyone could think they're a couple-- those highschool sweethearts kind. That kind of love where they would bring chocolates and letters to their lockers; where they would pass notes filled with fondness and adoration, and that kind of love where it's simple yet so sweet.

Jennie adores that kind of love-- no secret nor hate, it is full of fervor and undying sentiment.

They arrive at the clinic and Jungkook makes her seat on the sofa, putting her bag down. "Stay here whilst I go see the nurse." He orders and Jennie has to nod her head in approval.

When Jungkook flee from her sight, Jennie breathes and places her head on the wall. What will she say to Jungkook? She cannot say that the reason her head is aching is because of those stupid birth control pills.

No, Jennie has to find another reason.

Oh, how about I use that tactic Seungwan reasons out all the time whenever she doesn't wanna do the chores--

Jennie opens her eyes when Jungkook calls her softly. "The nurse is here," he points at the girl who is small like Jennie and is wearing something that Jennie reckons is a uniform for the nurses here.

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