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I can see you waving.
Is your arm tired?
You've been trying to get my attention for months.
I was convinced you were crying wolf.
Your costume is authentic.
If I were to only rely on my eyes, a foolish endeavor.
I probably would have passed long before the sunrise.
I still would check daily, to see if you arm was still swinging wildly against the breath of the environment.
To my surprise, there you were screaming the same words repetitively.
You should change where you house your records.
It sounds broken.
I stop listening because I was worried about breaking.
Don't break me.
I've been fractured.
It was as pretty as stained glass.
I remember my life in pictures.
That many frames would be expensive.
That many frames would be profit.
What about one big frame.
Do you think you can fit in here?
I'm weary.
But I can't let you wave in the rain anymore.
I know your arm is tired.
Come inside.

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