Grandma one

25 1 2

I don't think I have understood living,
until yesterday.
What is living.
The act of being alive.
That seems riddled with simple.
Being alive.
I think can not be explained with subjects or conjectures.
But I felt it.
I felt life, in a hand that I had held so many times.
But this time, life was present, warmer than the sun.
When I held her hand, I saw a lifetime.
I saw a mother.
I saw a grandmother.
I saw an individual.
My shoulder to cry on.
My wave upon my departure.
My mom.
My mom within my mom, that made my mom, when my mom was calling her mom.
I felt life.
I felt excitement.
For at this moment, I was closer to you than I had been in a week.
For I could not celebrate, so you celebrated for me.
Still stronger than I ever will be.
Life is love. You have to love to experience real life.
I had never felt anything like life, until yesterday.
Thank you, for still installing knowledge into me even when it visually seems you are weaker than me.
Thank you for being a reason to weep.
I never cry tears.
But whales could swim within my lids.
You gave me life.
Thank you for living.

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