Expired Milk

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Another night.
I contemplate my failure.
I have walked my brain,
around the longest park trail.
Alas, I'm insulted for my efforts.
Exercising the closing of lids.
Hours of banter towards my ceiling.
It falls on me.
I die. Then reawaken to realize
The state of my stasis.
Even my own body has discarded me.
The ash flicked from countless waste,
has gathered itself
and taken the shape of a human.
I am born.
My vision
doesn't allow me to discern the distance
I keep my magnifiers,
within an arms reach.
For when my future does not seem clear to me.
The red veins give me away.
Even when I reply.
"I'm ok."
Tickled by my lie, I sit in silence.
Pondering as to what, I'm actually aiming to achieve.
Fool, the extensions of care that have been extended my way.
Or am I trying to attain the great
Live fast, die young.
Sadly Click was derived from fictional elements.
I am tickled again.
I scream cut it out!
But there is no laughter.
My demons laugh at me.
But it doesn't ring like you would believe.
In fact I cower to it, looking for cover.
Back in my box again.
Seems that life skip pass me again.
Darkness rubs my back.
Candy from the stranger I never knew.
To over indulge in sweets, I was told,
wasn't good for you.
Or me.

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