Grandma too

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Salty bliss
May my face stay well hydrated.
I had no plans.
Well, no other plans.
Point objective.
I set sail to a soul, unlike anything commonly seen.
My eyes wanted to open but my lids shielded me.
Visions of you, had long before comforted the uncontrollable rage that consumed the very essence of my being.
I felt lost, dead even.
The moment when you realize life is shorter than the fortune cookie prize.
Short, because it has no track, no deliberate expectancies, or nothing to expect.
So when the light helped you exit, I asked to go with you.
But suicide is high risk, no reward.
No goodies?
Oh no. What will the qualities instilled in me, run for?
I want them.
Greed. Possibly, but the fruits gained from that of another are meant to be put back into action.
No delays. Delay killed you.
Delay kills me daily.
But I'm alive.
You simply decided it was time to return home.
The home where your being will be raised above your primordial stasis.
But how can anyone reach your altitude?
For a soul so pure that sugar could be manufactured.
To redistribute the love that you had already given to some many others.
The world could change.
Perpetually, your love was the greatest of all creatures.
Perplexed at how something so complicated, beautifully flowed from your anointed lips.
Singing hymns of praise to a God that everyone tries to ignore.
Or acknowledge, in hopes of feeling more complete.
Seeking completion in words alone is foolish.
Fool me once. Shame on you.
Fooled me twice.
That doesn't happen.
Life is full of fools.
Although if for not the fools mistakes, how could I avoid making them myself.
Purpose rendered.
Your purpose was a task not so easily embraced.
But you have all the belt colors.
Master even.
You would remind me there is only One master, and that it definitely wasn't bestowed upon you.
You would raise to a challenge, usually commonly rejected.
By completing these challenges, you open eyes and ears like commands.
Direct. But comforting.
Comfort. I could always get that from you.
Wisdom. I could always get that from you.
Love. You rained that upon my very existence, every encounter.
A rain I never wanted to subside.
I just wanted to sit inside with you once more.
Absorbing, your laugh, your expressions, your words.
I just want to hug you once more.
I just want a napkin for my pupils.
Nothing was ever too great for you

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