Every Other Yesterday

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I've been sick for the past three days.
It's been one of those days.
I haven't ate food for the past three days.
It's been one of those days.
I remember when I use to wake with a smile.
Long since one of those days.
I contemplate my existence every other half hour.
Just one of those days.
I hate dust, but it just keeps coming back.
I really hate those things.
I'm writing this to clear my mind.
I just did this yesterday.
I'm alone again.
Same thing as yesterday.
I don't cry to anyone.
Never did that any day.
I stand still.
I do that some days.
I'm waiting for this tea to be warm enough to sip.
I can't burn my mouth like yesterday.
My room is black. It's easy to fall asleep.
Not for the past two days.
I have so many games, and no one to play them with.
I thought that yesterday.
Maybe I'm to old for that.
I considered that the other day.
I don't like me.
I said that today.
No, don't like me.
I said that the day before yesterday.
How will I get myself out of this?
I thought that the day after yesterday.
I don't understand girls.
I say that everyday.
I like cinnamon toast crunch.
I ate that the day before yesterday.
I feel as if I just confusing.
I thought of that, 5 minutes before yesterday.
I can do this.
I said that today.
I fail.
I think that almost everyday.
There's no helping me.
I think someone said that the other day.
What is joy?
I thought about that the other day.
You're going to deep.
My other me said that today. Everyday.
I defeat myself.
The day before.
Maybe forever.
I wish it was yesterday.
So I could say, I wish it was yesterday.

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