Orange slice

13 1 0

I remain as the rider with no horse.
Can I be deemed the rider?
Without the act itself?
But I am as I say I am.
I am the rider.
I have naught the proper navigation.
That's common in cars.
My car was never a navigator.
It's a tuff thing to wrestle.
My thing of think.
A thing that thinks.
My circuitry remains incompatible with everything.
Forever on standby.
I was on cloud nine.
I lost the other eight.
Which means I have none.
Past-tense words always leave passing impressions.
Impressing, the Empress...who was never actually impressed, left me pressed with a feeble first impression.
Was mine?
I can draw no other conclusions, so I'll just draw this dragon.
I slayed a dragon.
My fourth this week.
Being the hero of Fereldan,
only matters when console light is on.
No wonder the bill was high.
But my stables remained clean.
I am still a rider with naught a steed.
I am the magister without a purpose.
I have naught the tools to function correctly.
Tin man.
So therefore I cannot be a rider.
I have no purpose.
Without it I can not ride.
They called me Rider.
A rider with no horse at all.

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