Classic Rivality! Kaito vs Mizael!

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"Go, Lunalight Cat Dancer! Attack him directly!" Cat Dancer slashed her opponent with her dagger, knock him unconscious.

"Damn cowards...truly they are wasting my time." Serena remarked.

"So, what happened here ?" I asked her. "Were you being attacked by these guys ?"

"Indeed." Serena nodded. "Shortly after arriving on this Dimension, I was ambushed by these guys, say that I was a Resistance member and easy prey, while I was wandering around. But, didn't take a long time to realized that they are wrong."

"I can imagine that." I replied. "But are you alright? If I remebered corretly, you are faced dozen security back in Synchro, no?"

"Don't worry about it." Serena waved her hand in a dissmisive manner. "I'm fully recovered. But what about you, Mizael? Your injuries was more worse than I back in Synchro. What happen to you anyway?"

"Nope. I'm fully recovered. Thanks for me being a barian." I answered. "When I was check up on Yuya, I was Dueled an Academia student named Marufuji Ryo."

Serena was gasped in shock. "Marufuji Ryo?! The man who known as Kaiser ?! And you win againts him?!"

"Yep." I confirmed. "It was a hard battle, but I managed to win in the end."

"Truly..." Serena muttered in astonishment. "Just how strong you really are?"

"I know. I'm awesome right?" I grinned while Serena blushed.

"Don't get ahead of yourself!" She yelled. "It's only a matter of time I will win against you!"

"Looking forward to that to happen." I replied. "Now let's go-"

"I'm afraid you are going to nowhere, Academia scum."

The one who had spoken these words all of a sudden was a young man with light blue-grey eyes, pale skin and blonde hair with a dark green spiked front and bangs that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He wore a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt and white pants with black boots, while a red piece of cloth was wrapped around his left hand. I instantly knew who he is.

"Kaito.." I muttered. "One of my favorite character. But unfortunately, he wants to kill me now."

"I can't believe that I must face Master Kaito of all people..." Photon said in a bit sad tone.

"This technically a Round 4 of Kaito vs Mizael." Tachyon added.

"Indeed." I replied before turn to him. "Who are you?"

"Tenjo Kaito." He replied in bitter tone. "The one who purge every last one of Academia scums from Heartland with my own hands!"

After Kaito said that, suddenly his Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon was appeared behind him and roared loudly, while Photon and Tachyon was responded by doing the same thing.

"That guy is also a Galaxy-Eyes user?" Serena wondered in curious and surprise.

"What the.." Kaito said in shock as he was feels dizzy when he saw Photon and Tachyon. "W-who are you ?"

"Me?" I said with a smirk. "Kuroba Mizael, the true Galaxy-Eyes Master!"

After I said this, his eyes widened as he saw a vision of a humanoid creature with yellow skin and hold a strange Duel Disk with three headed golden dragon behind him.

"What kind of illusion that you put on me?" Kaito asked in harsh tone. "There's no Galaxy-Eyes user beside me Academia scum!"

"If you don't believe then I will prove it to you in a Duel!" I exclaimed. "Let's see who is the true Galaxy-Eyes Master is!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: The Galaxy MasterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum