chapter nine // 'bromance'

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September 28th, 2019

Kurtis woke me up this morning with the sound of a camera clicking. I quickly jumped up and hopped down off the bunk bed. I almost forgot about Kurtis, no offense. Well actually no, that's not true. I didn't forget he was there I just forgot that he is always the first one awake. I swiftly swiped the phone out of his hand, Kurtis glared at me as he tried to steal it back.

I clicked on the photo, my arm is swung loosely around Danny's body, our hands lightly clasped together. His cheeks are flushed and his lips are parted slightly, all you can see of me is my forehead and my hair although it is pretty obvious that I am the one behind him. It is a very cute photo though if it ever got posted anywhere there would be a lot of explaining to do. I sighed and shut his phone, handing it back to him. I look up at Danny to see him awake and looking down over the bunk bed's barrier at me. The corner of his mouth hitched up the slightest bit, smiling because I didn't delete the photo.

Danny and me haven't discussed what happened last night, leaving me wondering if it was maybe just a dream. Obviously, I know it wasn't plus Kurtis has photo evidence. Fortunately, it's not like it's awkward between us, it is literally like the night before just straight up didn't happen. Danny is still making jokes and acting normal but sometimes I see him sitting alone, his head in his hands, just thinking. I wonder if he regretted what happened, I mean he is very happily married and so am I.

It is edging night time and I am currently writing this on Danny's back which is unsurprisingly not very sturdy. He is lying in my lap, listening to Kurtis rant on about getting copyright claimed on one of his videos. Danny seems very invested in the story, nodding and laughing as he listens which isn't great for my handwriting.

I also finally talked to Danny about last night and I guess I was right, he said he felt guilty for 'cheating' on Laura. I tried my best to comfort him as he rocked back and forth, this time more extreme than the night before, and rubbing at his temples. It was hard seeing him like this, especially knowing that the reason for it was me, I listened to his rambles as he talked about how homesick he was and he grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly as he talked.

He said he felt better, getting it all out there. And then he kissed my knuckles, thanking me for listening to him, and I gotta say, I was surprised. I mean Danny just had a meltdown over how bad he felt for kissing me and then kissed me? He used the excuse "bromance" he says it's a friend thing. Yeah man, I don't even know.

I think the tour is making him crazy, I mean this afternoon he was putting socks over his ears and calling himself 'Unky Morty.' He's lost beyond the point of return. But he seems more chill now, his laughs seem much more genuine and his jokes aren't as shallow. I don't expect anything to happen between us again, but I think I'm happy something did. Emphasis on the 'I think.'

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