chapter six // as far as okay goes

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Danny sits up from where he was lying back and a strip of paper falls out and floats to the bedsheets. He picks it up and looks at it carefully, it's the photo booth photos. He laughs but it comes out more of a whimper. The three of them look so stupid, Kurtis slowly disappearing at each shot until he is fully gone on the last photo and you could see up Drew's nose by how close to the camera he was. The sounds of their laughter, the type of laughter where their voice goes all squeaky and no sound comes out of their mouths. He sets the book down.

He remembers the diary now, he's surprised by the fact that it had slipped his mind. Drew spent a lot of the tour writing in it. Trying to prove Kurtis' assumption wrong. He also remembers that moment backstage, he could have sensed Drew's nervousness from a mile away. He was hesitant at first to hold his hand, he didn't know how Drew would react to it. Danny wanted to help calm Drew's nerves, be a good friend. He just cared for him so dearly, Danny shuts his eyes and sighs.

He never wanted to have feelings for Drew, he would get angry at himself whenever he would find himself fantasizing about him, daydreaming about the feeling of his lips against Drew's. He hated himself for thinking about his best friend in that way. He refused to even count it as a crush although he couldn't explain why his stomach did backflips whenever he saw him. He opens his eyes, his gaze meeting the photo hanging on the wall, he reaches for the book and opens it up to the next page, eager to continue reading. The second he reads the first word on the next page the door creaks open, Laura peeks her head through the crack.

"Danny?" She whispers, Danny shuts the book and slides it under his pillow hastily. He glances over to her sheepishly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, as far as okay goes." He sighs, looking down at the bedsheets. She kneels down in front of him, taking his hand in hers. He feels the urge to pull away, the memory of holding Drew's hand replaying in his head. She squeezes him lightly and plants a soft kiss on his forehead. Then she stands up and walks to the window, she pulls it open slightly to fix them. Danny squints expecting a bright ray of light to shine directly into his eyes but he is met with darkness.

"W-what time is it?" He rasps,

"Almost one o'clock in the morning." Laura replies, "I think you should try and sleep."

Danny nods, wondering how long he napped before being given the book or how long it took him to read just those couple entries, Laura crawls into bed next to him and he listens to her rhythmic breaths hoping for them to lull him asleep but he is wide awake. He knows that the concept of sleep is impossible for him at this time. He sneaks out of bed, slipping the book back out from under the pillow, and heads downstairs pulling a blanket over him as he lies down on the sofa. He flips through the book, searching for the correct page.

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