chapter seven // drunk children

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September 24th, 2019

Hey guys it's Kurtis I just want to say that Danny has the fattest crush on Drew.

Sup it's Dan the Man and Kurtis is right and I am going to fuck Drew so hard tonight that he can't walk tomorrow.

Finally, I got the book back, Jesus they are annoying, although I was most worried about Danny reading the entries about my feelings towards him. Fortunately, they are both drunk as fuck so I don't even think they could read if they wanted to. Also, I have no clue what Kurtis and Danny were on about when they were writing in here, but I'm not going to lie, a small part of me hopes they weren't joking. Although I'm sure they are.

Ok I think I need help, Danny and Kurtis are chasing each other with the swords they won at the arcade around the hotel room, obviously, I didn't drink half as much as they did but honestly now I wish I did just so I wouldn't have to deal with these children. They are insane. Oh wait, they have stopped. They are now huddled in the corner of the room whispering, they are most certainly talking about me judging by the way their eyes keep flicking back and forth at me.

Danny suddenly held his gaze at me, causing my stomach to drop. His eyes are bright and his pupils are wide. Like a cat, ready to pounce. I try my best to listen in on their conversations but they are just out of earshot.

I guess I did want something to happen, but nothing really did. We just watched a horror movie and fell asleep together on the couch. Kurtis was the first asleep, curled up on the end of the sofa. We captured the funniest pic of him sleeping and tried to laugh as quietly as possible, our faces red and our hands over our mouths, which didn't help much.

Me and Danny stayed up about an hour give or take later than Kurt, just catching up with each other. Danny got tired first and rested his head on my shoulder, nestling his head in the crook of my neck. His breath was hot on my cheek. When I was sure he was asleep I laced my fingers into his, and with my free hand, I played with his soft hair. It looks so much better unstyled, the way it curls down his forehead, soft and fluffy. I examined his lips, god they are gorgeous. I had to bite down on my own lip to fight back the irrational and disgusting urge to pull him into a kiss, to fulfill any fantasy I have ever dreamed of.

The feeling of wanting to kiss Danny made me sick to my stomach, I hadn't felt anything like this before. I was married for fucks sake. So why was I so caught up over kissing Danny? My mind was muddled with confusion, and following that confusion was exhaustion. I forced my eyes shut and let myself fall asleep

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