chapter two // the first show

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September 6th, 2019

Our first show was insane holy shit dude, there were so many people there. The show was in Naperville, Illinois and it was so much fun, and Danny and Kurtis were fucking hilarious. I was so fucking nervous before the performance since I haven't done much stand-up before, especially not anything to this scale, I couldn't eat or drink leading up to the show but it was totally fine and I enjoyed it so much! The audience was amazing and everybody there was so sweet. We have checked into a hotel and are staying there for two-three nights, and me, Danny and Kurtis are all going to share a room.

Danny is in the bathroom having a shower right now and me and Kurtis are just chilling in the hotel room. I don't exactly know what he's doing on his phone, all I can make out from over his shoulder is what looks like TikTok's about relationships, I can't tell you why he's watching them. I'm hoping they're for a YouTube video but who knows? Maybe he just likes those kinda TikToks, I don't know him well enough to say for sure.

Kurtis and I are somewhat close although I do think he is better friends with Danny. I have only hung out with him a couple of times, the first time for Danny's music video, The Tea. We both had SFX makeup on to make us bald, and he seemed pretty chill. I have noticed that it's easier to hang out with him when Danny's around but hopefully by the end of the tour I will have gotten to know him much better.

We are currently deciding on a movie to watch while we eat our dinner, it's just takeaway because none of us were actually bothered to go out and get something nice. I wanted to watch Tall Girl because it seems to be really popular and I saw it trending on Twitter but when we watched the trailer it looked stupid as. So we are just looking at some trailers and scrolling through Netflix, but there isn't anything actually good on there anymore. So I just want to watch something stupid for the fun of it.

Danny and Kurtis are out cold and I think I'm going to head off to bed now because we have another show tomorrow and like for the next month. We ended up just watching random stuff on YouTube since we couldn't agree on one thing to watch. The two of them are asleep on the sofa in front of the television and I'm not going to lie, I do kinda want to sleep on the sofa with them but I don't think I can. I am literally already exhausted and we have only done one show so far, I think I will be absolutely broken by the end of it. Also, I don't know if I will be able to keep up with writing in here but we'll see how I go.

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