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Keira's POV

One Year Later

It's been a year without Ettie. One whole year. I've survived. I've managed to do it. For a while, I didn't think I would be able to. I spent the first few weeks laying in my bed, watching home videos of me and her. I cried for what felt like years, but when the football season started up again, I knew I had to do everything I could, to play my best. I knew that everything I was doing, and everything I was going to do, was going to be for her.

"I'm going to get another tattoo," I said to Lucy, as we lay on the couch on a cold day in December.


"For Ettie."

We went to the tattoo store, and I got a small tattoo on the side of my ribcage, close to my heart.

Ettie <3

"So she is always with me," I explained to Lucy, as she was holding my hand.

"She'll always be with you."

When the 2023/2024 season ended, it was time to start preparing for the Olympics. It was hard knowing that I was going to go without her. It would be my first major tournament without Ettie. Before I left for Paris, I went to her grave. I placed her favourite flowers on her tomb, and read the words that printed on the rock.

Juliette Mae Walsh

8th April 1997 - 20th August 2023

Now we always have an angel by our side. Rest easy, our darling Ettie

"Well," I said to myself, sitting beside her grave, "I'm going to Paris. Never thought I'd actually be doing this without you. I want to win it, for you Ett.

"What's it like up there? Have you met Princess Diana or Kobe Bryant? I can't wait to hear all the stories." I laughed as I said this, knowing I probably sounded insane. "Mum asked me to go through some of your things tomorrow. I'm not sure I can manage it. I've been successfully putting it off for nearly 11 months now, and I'm scared that, once I do it, it'll feel like you're even further away than you already are." I started to cry as I said this, tears rolling down my face slightly.

"I miss you Ett, why'd you have to leave me? I need you, please, give me a sign or something. Just show me that you're here. Please." Nothing happened. I didn't believe in the metaphysical, but for some reason, I thought something might happen. But it didn't. Why was I being stupid?

The next morning, before heading to camp for the Olympics, I went to Mum and Dad's house. As I sat in my old room, I saw the boxes lined up near my wardrobe. I pulled the top one down, and when I peered inside, a copy of Ettie's favourite novel sat on top - Little Women.

I opened the book, and a piece of paper flew out. Before I read that, I saw the inscription.

To my darling Diane,

Our love shines brighter than the stars above.

Love yours, J.N.

Ettie loved collecting books with meaningful inscriptions; she had stacks of them lined up in her apartment, but Little Women was always her favourite.

When I stared down at the piece of paper that flew out, I saw my name written on the top. It was a letter. I was scared to open it. I was scared to see what had been written inside. As I opened the letter, I saw her neat handwriting written on the page.


I don't think you will get this for a while, and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I am writing this letter. I don't suspect anything bad will happen, but if it does, I want to explain some things first. You deserve to know.

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