Chapter 31 - Time

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When I left the hospital the next day, I had many appointments booked with a whole variety of specialists. I knew that it was the right thing. I knew I had to put my health in front of playing, but it was hard. All I wanted in life was to be out on the pitch. It was my safe place. But as Emma so strongly reminded me, my health is the priority.

As I got home, I went straight for the couch, after putting on some comfy pajamas. When I sat down, I finally just breathed. I sat and breathed. I let my body finally catch up to my brain, and in that time I knew not training was the right thing.

I checked my phone and found many messages from so many different people. Guro, Jessie, Rachel, Steph, Lucy and so many others sent me messages, all worried about me. I liked knowing that they had my back but it only reminded me of how many people I needed to tell. Only confirmed what I dreaded - I need to make a statement.

I went onto my instagram account, and uploaded a photo of one of our Chelsea huddles before a game.

Ettiewalsh7: thank you everyone for all the love and support over the past few days. It has been very comforting to see all the amazing people who have reached out. It's been a crazy period and there are some things I should address.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is quite a serious condition but with the support from my doctors, I had been able to manage it discreetly, as I often prioritised football over my health.

Although, over the past few months, it has been a lot more difficult to keep under wraps. My condition has been playing up and so it is time to address this, publicly. Unfortunately, I will be taking a few months off from football in order to put myself and my health first. With the support from my friends and family I know I will be able to come back better and stronger.

I love you guys and thank you for continuing to be with me, throughout it all.

Ettie xx

Samanthakerr20: we are with you etts!

Mbrighty4: we've got you girl!

Racheldaly3: love you longtime ettles! We are here xx

Leahwilliamsonn: always here for you

Keirawalsh: i've got you, my twin <3 love you too much it hurts

Indiharrison: we're here for you, ett <3

As the flurry of comments and support came in, I realised I never should have been embarrassed to begin with. I never should have hidden something that could, in a sense, help so many others. I realised that if I could get through this, once again, it would actually be a reminder to so many that you can overcome obstacles that come barging into your life.

I was sitting on my bed when my phone rang. I reached over, and it was Keira.

"Hey," I said into the facetime call.
"Hi, are you feeling better today?" she asked me.
"Eh, slightly. But, distract me, how was your day?"
"Good, it's kinda weird having Hayley here." Over the off season, Hayley signed with Manchester City. Keira and I discussed it, slightly, as it meant Hayley was now playing with my sister. With my twin.
"Yeah, I can imagine."
"But, she's a good player. Very feisty." I laughed at this, knowing Hayley was an entirely different person on field than off it.
"She likes to niggle a tad."
"Yeah, and I do miss training with Lucy," Keira added.
"Your injury list just keeps growing," I replied. Since Lucy's surgery, so many Manchester players have sustained injuries. Steph, Lucy, Chloe, Esme, Ellie and even Hayley are all currently injured.
"It sucks, but that's sport."
"That's sport," I repeated.

When we hung up the phone, a headline wreaked on my screen.

Juliette Walsh finally addresses her health after collapsing in Chelsea's first round clash against Arsenal

Juliette Walsh, Chelsea's key left back, has finally addressed her health, after collapsing once again in the first round of the WSL 2021/2022 season. Walsh had experienced a supposed "fainting" episode in Team GB's quarter final match against Australia in the Olympics, but her collapse over the weekend was never explained.

After being rushed to an ambulance, it was confirmed that Walsh spent a night in hospital, going through a series of serious tests. Emma Hayes wouldn't affirm any reason for Walsh's hospital trip in the press interview, but stated that "Juliette is being well taken care of and we'll confirm everything when the time is right."

Walsh, after a few days, took to her instagram account to post an explanation. Walsh stated that she is thankful for the "love and support" and knows it is time to "finally address" the situation.

In her caption, Walsh goes on to explain that she was diagnosed, a few years back, with cardiomyopathy, a serious heart condition. She does mention that she had been managing it effectively, with help from her doctors, but it had recently been playing up. She has decided, with support from her coaching staff, friends and family, that it is time to put her health first, and will take a few months away from football in order to fully recover and manage her serious condition.

We only wish Walsh the fastest recovery.

I turned my phone off and turned on the tv, trying to relax after the stressful weekend that had only just been fully endured.

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