Chapter 51 - Ettie and Leah

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Leah and I spent the rest of our January break together. We hardly left the house, ordering food and staying in the comfort of each other. It felt as if my heart was on cloud nine when I was with her. I was comforted by her presence but still excited and nervous about our future. We knew this could be it. It could be forever.

"You know," Leah said to me as we sat on the couch, "I'm glad that you moved to London. That was the catalyst for all of this, if you think about it." She was playing with my fingers, tracing them with her own.

"I'm glad too," I replied back, putting my legs on her lap, and placing my head on her shoulder. She kissed the top of my head, then my hand, while I smiled a big grin.

"Life would've been so different," she then said.

"We all have choices," I started to say, "life is never pre-determined. The choices we make will have the ripple effect for the rest of our lives, and this choice was probably one of my best." Leah looked into my eyes as I said this, and smiled.

"You always make good decisions," Leah joked.

"That is untrue, but I can make the occasional good one." If I was honest, the move to away from City was never a choice. I would never have left my childhood club if I didn't have to. But I did. I couldn't stay there, especially after everything that had happened, but that's the past, and in the end, the move saved my life.

"What do you want for dinner?" Leah asked, the day before we were set to have our first trainings after the break.

"What can you make?" I asked her, sitting at the bar stool as she was in the kitchen.

"Uh, I can make a few things," she replied, laughing.

"Well, you haven't done the groceries in a while so there will not be a lot in the fridge," I added. Leah opened the fridge to see an empty stock.

"Wanna go on a late night shop?"

"I'd love to."

We left the apartment, and walked hand in hand. It was dark outside and the streets were bare. It was a cold winter night in North London, and it was peaceful being there with her. With Leah.

I ended up walking out onto the quiet, suburban street, disengaging my hand from Leah's.

"Ett, what are you doing! Get off the road," Leah said loudly.

"Come on Lee, live a little," I replied, gesturing to her to come onto the road with me. She looked either way, and reluctantly walked out to where I was standing.

"Give me your hand," I said to her, placing my hand in front of her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, suspiciously.

"Romanticizing life," I replied. She took my hand, and I gave her a twirl. She smiled widely, and came in closer, her hand resting on my back. We were dancing in the middle of a quiet, London street.

"There's no music," Leah whispered.

"Sing me something," I replied back.

"I can't sing," she retorted, "you sing."

"Fine, I will!" I replied, smiling. I racked my brain trying to think of a song, until I knew which one I wanted to sing.

"When the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love," I started to sing, whispering it softly into Leah's ear.

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