Chapter 3 - Who's Most Likely To?

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I moved into my apartment, a few days before the season was officially set to start. Leah helped me move all my things, noticeably upset that I would be moving out. Although I had only been staying at her place for a few days, I think we had both grown accustomed to each other being there.

"Literally, I'm going to miss you," Leah said, as we were unpacking my car and walking my things up to my new apartment in West London.

"You will be fine - you have Jordan." She looked down at her feet.

"Yeah, I do." I could tell something was up, and I didn't know what to do. So I did what I'm best at - being blunt.

"Are you going to tell me what is up between you and Jordan?" I asked, seriously. She looked at me, with worried eyes.

"Things are just weird," she said. Her worried eyes caught mine. We didn't look away, both of us didn't. I never noticed Leah's features before - her cute nose, and big, beautiful eyes.

"Well," I continued to say, looking away, "you are always welcomed to stay over, if things ever get too weird."

"What's the bet I take you up on that offer?" I laughed at this, and so too did she.

We had nearly finished bringing all my things into my new apartment. It was tiring, lugging so many boxes and suitcases from my car.

"We should've made someone else help us," I said, as we finally had brought all the boxes into the main living room.

"I'm going to be so sore tomorrow," Leah then added in. She stood up, and went over to the window, and could see the skyline of London. "Wow, you have some view here." I got up, and went over to the window. I had never properly looked out at it before, and I could see the city below. It was beautiful.

"So, how has the Chelsea camp been?" Leah asked me, as we sat on the couch.

"Pretty good."

"Made any friends?"

"A couple - obviously I knew Mills already, but Sam Kerr and Erin Cuthbert are both very funny."

"Oh I've heard about that trio," Leah added in, "they are the complete jokesters! How come you always make friends with the goof balls?" She asked me, laughing. It is true, though, in a sense. I always do become close with the people who are least like myself.

"I don't know, guess it's just the law of attraction," I said, sarcastically. She laughed at this, and I laughed too.

"You are funny," Leah said, seriously, "Like, I know you don't think you are, but you have the same dry sense of humor that Keira has. You're just usually more shy to say it." I agreed with what Leah said. I often come up with amazing one liners in my head, but I don't have the confidence to say them out loud.

"Want to order some food?" I asked Leah, after a while of sitting and talking on the couch.

"I probably should be going back. Jordan is probably wondering where I am." I forgot about her: Jordan.

"Oh, yeah, of course." She stood up, and smiled at me, before embracing me in a hug, and walking back down to the street. Leah had left, and now, I was by myself. In my new apartment. Alone. It was the first time I had been alone in a while. It felt strange, yet oddly comforting.

I skipped dinner that night, and ended up watching netflix in my bed. It was still a few days until the first round of the season, and I had media day the next day. Media day freaks me out. Taking pictures of myself is something I hate. I detest it. I don't even like the idea that people can see me while I play. It's obviously great that women's sport is getting more recognition, and that we are being shown on live tv. But I don't like knowing that thousands of people watch me on tv. I don't like that feeling. I never have.

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