Chapter 57 - Black Truths

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We soon jumped on a plane, and headed to Adelaide for our group game. We were up against Switzerland.

"Have you ever been to Adelaide before?" Georgia asked me, as we hopped on the plane.

"Surprisingly enough, I have," I said to her, "I went with Hayley once."

"Any reason?"

"I think her friend was getting married," I replied, "It's a beautiful city. It's quiet and definitely not as bustling as Sydney or Melbourne, but it has a charm to it."

"I always forget that you've travelled basically all of Australia," Georgia added.

"I mean, I dated an Australian, so it kind of comes with the territory," I said quietly back.

When we got off the plane, we felt the chilly breeze of Adelaide in July. Leah came up behind me, hugging me and placing her head on my shoulder, as we waited for our bags at the carousels.

"I'm tired," she said into my ear.

"Did you sleep on the plane?"

"No, I had to have a long conversation with Sarina," she answered.

"Well, you can sleep when we get to the hotel." I felt her head nod on my shoulder. I love when she's affectionate like this. It kind of feels surreal that we can be open and public about our relationship now. It feels as if it cements it even further.

We got on the bus, and Leah fell asleep on my shoulder. Keira and Lucy sat across the aisle, and I chatted with my sister.

"You have no idea how hard I have to fight the urge to prank Leah right now," Keira said to me.

"Aw, don't. She's so tired," I replied, stroking Leah's blonde hair.

"It's just so tempting," Keira joked back.

"On a different note," I said to Kie, "did you see the text Mum and Dad sent?"

"No," Keira said, looking at her phone.

"They're so cute," I answered. Earlier that day, Mum sent us a photo of Keira and I when we first started playing football. We looked more similar when we were younger, and to be honest, it took a minute for me to figure out which one was me.

"Why do we look so similar?" Keira said, "you literally have red hair in this."

"Glad I got out of that one," I said, jokingly.

"Hey! I'm unique," Keira laughed back.

"I'd look funky with red hair," I said, "I appreciate that I got brown."

"Don't worry," Lucy added, "I love your red hair."

We soon arrived at the hotel, and when Georgia and I collapsed onto our beds, I realised just how tired I truly was.

"I could sleep for years," I said to Georgia, as we watched tv in my bed.

"Me too," she answered.

But we couldn't stay in bed for too long, as we soon had to get to our training session that day. When we got to the pitch that we could train on, I immediately felt at peace. I love the feeling of the grass beneath my shoes, and the balls at my feet.

As we started warming up, I saw Rachel and Millie being followed around with a camera. They must be getting up to their weird antics again.

"Our little youtubers," Georgia said to me, pointing at Rachel and Millie.

"They do love being in front of the camera," I replied.

I sat on the grass, tying my laces and strapping my ankles. Millie and Rachel sat down beside me, holding a microphone.

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