Chapter 18

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Rosie POV

"I know," I heard Jennie say. "I know everything now,"

"And whatever happens, I'll be by your side,"

I'm still surprised that she's been watching me, in fact, not just her. I have been raising suspicion since I notice three people keep watching me from afar.

But I keep brushing off the idea and keep living just like how I did. I have been suffering from my internal battle and so I learned just to focus on what matters.

If it is the people I thought it is, then they should approach me, but no. They did not approach me, instead, they treated me just like how other people treated me here before knowing me. Maybe they are just random people who wanted to befriend me.

It's Jennie. How can I forget? oh yeah, I just did forget because there are many people with a body shape like her. there are many people with a style like her. 

I remember how it drove me crazy back then when I keep mistaking people like Jennie, but now I learned my lesson.

"Are you Jennie Kim?" I asked as I felt her step back a little bit.

"Wow, I'm offended," She frowned. 

"I have to make sure," I mumbled.

"Can't you recognize my voice? huh?" She annoyingly said.

"I have to make sure," I said once again.

"Make sure what?"

"That it is you! you don't know how hard it is!" I half yelled. "I hate how people took advantage of me because I thought they are you!"

"And!!" before I can speak she softly kissed me, and damn, I just felt my stomach explode with butterflies.

"Do you believe me now?" Jennie sighed as she hugs me. "I love you, Chae. I miss you so much. I'm sorry, I am so so sorry,"

I stayed silent, I already moved on from what happened, I've been okay and living happily. 

"Please say something," Jennie mumbled to my neck.

I'm already complete. I have my daughter and I have Mina.

"I'm never mad at you," I said. "You don't have to say sorry, Jennie." Yes, I never take a grudge against anyone. In fact, I'm already on good terms with my Parents and they discovered my illness. They keep apologizing but I told them not to. 

"Are you accepting me to your life again?" Jennie asked but I pursed my lips.

"Why not? Friends?"

"But I don't want to be your friend, Rosie."


"I want to be with you," She said. "I want to be your girlfriend,"


Should I be surprised? I saw Jennie beside me, holding my hands. I just woke up from my operation and I saw Mina smiling beside Jennie.

"I'm still alive," I jokingly said.

"No, Rosie. You are dead and I am here to take you to hell," Mina sarcastically said as she rolls her eyes.

"I got so worried that you passed out when I asked you to be my girlfriend. I'm offended," Jennie scoffed.

I looked at Mina and I feel like she is waiting for me to say something. I rolled my eyes and faced Jennie.

"You're still beautiful," I said, "I look older,"

"Fuck!!!! yes!! it worked!!" I saw Mina jumping and pushing Jennie and hugging me tightly. "You can see me too right?!"

"No. Who you?" I playfully said but she clicked her tongue and slapped my arms. "Wow? still violent Mina?" I groan.

"You look... normal.. how did you manipulate my twin to marry you?" I chuckled.

"Fuck you," Mina said.

"Oh yeah? Fuck me?" I mockingly said but we heard Jennie clear her throat.

"What is this sexual tension I'm feeling here?" Jennie raised her eyebrow.

"Hahaha. I'm glad you're well and alive," Mina dismissed Jennie and Hugged me again. "When I saw Jennie took you in the emergency, that's when I knew that it's the time for your operation, I took the risk of saving your life. You made me worry,"

"Thank you, Mina. For always saving my life," I whispered to her as Lisa and Jisoo barged inside my hospital room.

Lisa has wrinkles while Jisoo is still stunning.

"Hey, Lisa and Chu!" I cheered 

"Everyone leave!" Jennie madly said why glaring at me.

"What? why?" they all said but they are so scared of Jennie's wrath that Mina winked at me and pulled Lisoo with her.

"Is this why? you like Mina?" Jennie sighed. "I just. I'm sorry, I didn't know that you are together,"

"Are you happy?"

"I am happy," I said.

"That's great," Jennie painfully said.

"that you are here," I added.


"Don't make me repeat it Jennie," I groan. "I didn't hear what you said earlier when I passed out. Can you repeat it for me?"

"It doesn't matter anymore," Jennie scoffed.

"I don't like Mina. We are just, always like that. Purely platonic,"

"So, Please," I pouted. "I want to know" I saw Jennie's face soften and smiled widely.

"I want to be with you," She said. "I want to be your girlfriend,"

"We grew mature apart," I said randomly that making her groan. "But I can see, you still have this side of getting what you want," I chuckled.

"You're so weird. But Yeah, and I used to say that I hate taking care of complicated people, and I used to say I don't like taking care of someone with an illness. But because of you. Oh, I mean You as Alice made me grow and realized that I can do it," Jennie hummed.

"I used to hate kids, but I had Naeun," I said.

"I thought we can surpass all our own problems together," Jennie said.

"I'm good with my own issue," I snort.

"I'm also good," She giggled.

"So, I that a yes? Your mine now?" Jennie wiggled her eyebrows. "Can we have each other now? and face the problem of us together?"

"Okay," I smiled and kissed her.


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