Chapter 14- Bad Liar

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Jennie POV

"Can't you just accept the fact that I hate working!!" Rosie burst out and left me hurt.

I slam my head to the table in my school office and groan while trying to be patient with Rosie.

I wanted this right?!

I'm doing this because I don't want to make the same mistake. 

I'm trying to prove that what somi said was wrong.

"Bad day?" I saw somi worried look. She's been telling me bad things about Rosie and I could not believe her. 

Somi is our newly hired teacher and she is Lisa's old friend. 

"Tae and I have been close since we are kids, but since Rosie came into her life, he avoided me. It is like Rosie is holding him up, and it's funny because he just got his inheritance at that age," Somi said. "I know he loves kook too,"

"Try to discover, Jennie. I don't just like to tell you this. Rosie has been lying to you. Try to observe her too, if she's really only using you,"

Since that day she said those words, I kept doubting Rosie. And her action is proving my doubt.

"Rosie again? is she acting bitch to you too?" Somi asked as I gave her a strange look.

She sighed and sat beside me, "You know, I'm just being a good friend to you. I don't want you to have the same fate as Tae. He died because of Rosie, He rushed to go home because Rosie is acting up and being a bitch, they fight a lot,"

"Who are you to say all of this," I gritted my teeth. I cannot just let her insult Rosie in front of me.

"I always see Tae and Rosie back then fighting, I have this friend that I'm visiting in the other city and it happened that their house is near," 

"I saw how Rosie slap Tae, I always hear yelling," Somi said. "She's abusing tae. I also saw tae giving Rosie money but she just threw it like it is not enough for her,"

I could not believe what she's saying. She also told Lisa and Jisoo all of this and it's hurting us as Rosie's old friend.

"What if she's using her mental illness to hold you back?" Somi hummed as I punched my table.

"I respect you, Somi. You are Lisa's friend and tae's childhood friend," I groan. "But can you please stop with your accusation?"

Is fighting a lot really an accusation when I really experience it with Rosie. She keeps fighting me and hurting me emotionally without a reason.

She is shamelessly accepting all my money without working hard for it. 

She jumped to me immediately after Tae's death. Even though I took the responsibility and offered it, Rosie should still try.

Using her illness is not a reason to avoid trying. She is a total burden to Tae and now to Me. I don't want to think that but that is what I feel.

I'm staying with Rosie even with all the treatment she's giving me. Only because of Alice. I failed to save Alice, so then I will save Rosie.

Sometimes, I keep thinking if I still love Rosie after liking Alice. Alice treated me way better. This Rosie is just a total mess.

"Do you even know that Rosie pretended to be her twin when she went to New Zealand, five years ago? I just don't get why she did that? all I know is because you are there. Maybe she can have Tae as Rosie and have you as Alice, double wealth," I widen my eyes and feel like I'm being manipulated.

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