Chapter 7- Rosie Knows

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Rosie POV

"He's cheating on you," Jennie said, I suddenly feel sad and angry.

I know that Tae is in love with someone, but he still stayed with us.

"You are In love with him, Tae," I seriously said to V, as he was beside my bed and I put my head to his shoulder.

I know that he is in love, I know that look. He told me back then that he has this little crush on his best friend.

Now, I can see that his best friend feels the same and his feelings also grew

"You're in love with Jennie, too." He smirked even if I cannot see. I slapped his arms as he sighed.

"I cannot leave you," He balled his hands.

"Go with him,"

"No, I promised you, we're in this together, Rosie. I will never leave you, after everything that happened,"

"I'm a burden, I cannot go to work, I cannot drive," I told him as he chuckled.

"Exactly why I cannot leave you. You and Naeun needs me, I agreed with you to have Naeun,"

"I'm somehow, responsible for that," He said.

"Are you still going to meet him?" I asked but he just cried. I wrapped my arms around him and comforted him.

"You've done enough, Tae."

Having this life means having a lot of sacrifices. V has been working hard for us.

I still remember how he fought for this family, how he made sure I will not let my depression kill me.

"Let me die, Tae," I said while crashing my head to the wall but he is pulling me away.

"Calm down, Rosie," He cried.

"I suck, Tae! What if the baby blames me someday. I don't know how to take care of a kid. What if I can not become a good parent, I don't know what to do," I sobbed as my anxiety is killing me. I am so afraid of what will happen in the future.

What if someday, my kid will tell me that she did not ask to be born, like how I told my Mom before.

What if my kid will hate me for being face blind.

I have a lot of what-ifs as we don't really know what can happen.

I'm so impulsive for this.

"You will do great, Rosie. You are so strong out there," Tae whispered while wiping my tears.

He fulfilled his promises.

"Let me work, Tae," I told him during my first year of being face blind, because I know how hard it is for him to save for us.

"A lot of things still triggers you Rosie, and remember your head trauma, we cannot let that go worse," Tae said but I did not listen to him and went to apply in the nearest grocery to be a cashier because that is the only place I can go without exposing my face blindness but things just went south.

I cannot determine who stole the money from the cashier because I couldn't recognize the face. I pointed to the wrong person, and to my luck, they found a CCTV that is working.

I saw how Tae kneeled in front of the family that I accused of stealing.

Why is this man, sacrificing a lot for me and naeun. He said that because he always wanted to have a family. And from all the investigation we are bound to be together.

I told him that he can have a family that is not us. But he explained to me that he does not pity me, he just feels it in her heart not leave me. He is my best friend and we clicked immediately.

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