"I have yet to hear a good plan for how we're going to prevent that."

"I was hoping for escape. But it doesn't seem likely, does it?"

"What's Plan B? Murder/suicide pact?"

"It only has to be the murder part if you're the one acting," Ford pointed out.

"And then go home to face your parents? No thank you. I have had quite enough of—what's that noise?"

"There's someone—" Ford began, then grabbed Sabrina's shoulders and pushed her to one side. An energy bolt sizzled through the space where her head had been. "Shards!" He turned toward the source of the shot, and his hands began to glow.

"Ford, no!" Sabrina cried, reaching for him. The energy crackling around his body threw her off, and she caught her breath in shock just as another blast slammed into her back. She drew a breath that smelled of charred flesh, and fell forward into Ford's side as she lost consciousness.


"Thank you for checking, Commander," Tirqwin said to Mukryilla's perplexed image on the wallscreen. "We will hold for Lord Leran."

"Scotty is stable?" Mukryilla asked.

"Yes, for now."

"I've notified Her Majesty. She should be here—ah." Mukryilla stepped sideways out of view as Mara came onscreen.

"This was supposed to be a retrieval mission. You were not supposed to take casualties!" Mara said, frowning.

"I would not call them casualties," Tirqwin replied. "But we are still not sure what happened, to either of them."

"You'd best come home," Mara said. "I can straighten out Aurora, and then she can tell us what she found in Scotty."

"We never did find a useful direction to go in, so that makes as much sense as anything else," Tirqwin said. "Oh, we have a passenger aboard, dear. You will like her. She is one of Sabrina's friends."

Mara spread her hands helplessly. "We'll have to set up a special bureaucracy for immigration from Earth at this rate. Who is it?"

"Cynthia Grayson. She's a doctor—"

"Sabrina used to tell me about her, when I was young. I'll look forward to meeting her. Do be nice to her, Tirqwin. One Earthwoman cannot possibly cause you as much trouble as two Devons and a princess." Mara smiled faintly. She glanced offscreen. "Ah, Leran. Do you have Aurora there, Tirqwin?"

"One moment." Tirqwin paused, and Khediva summoned Cynthia and Aurora to the control deck. Aurora was hunched over as if in pain, and Cynthia was half-carrying, half-dragging her.
Leran called his daughter's name repeatedly, to no effect. Finally he looked at Mara, who said, "Tirqwin, make best possible speed to Praxatillus. We'll be waiting. I'll sort out Aurora through the Crystal if I have to." To Leran, she said, "She will be fine. I've seen this sort of thing before. You may assist in Giandrah, if you wish."

"Yes," he said hoarsely. "Her mother and I both will."

"See you shortly," Tirqwin said, cutting the transmission. He regarded Aurora with concern. "Do you think you should sedate her?"

"It might be kinder," Cynthia said. "If Khediva thinks it's safe."

"I see no reason not to," Khediva said. "Take her back to the infirmary, Cynthia, and I will show you what to do as soon as we are underway."


Sabrina woke to strange antiseptic smells and an uncomfortably bright room. Stifling a groan, she squinted around her, trying to make out her surroundings and remember how she had come here. The faintest movement toward sitting up made her back ignite with blazing pain, and she cried out involuntarily.

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