Splendorman's Plan Ch 19

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Slenderman's POV

Y/n has been looking a bit down latley. Hmmmm. I should probably see what it is that's bothering her when she gets home from her mission. Maybe her friend Jeff knows, she's been hanging out with him latley.


I waited for a few minutes. I was going to call for him again because he is so stubborn to listen to me. But he opened the door right in time.

"Yeah, what is it?" Jeff said tiredly as he sat in the chair across from me. His hair was a mess and his clothes were messy as well, more of a mess than usual.


"Why do you want to know, it's none of your business anyway." Jeff slouched in his chair and crossed his arms. I swear sometimes he acts like a child.

"JUST PLEASE TELL ME." Then it couldn't make matters worse Splendorman teleported into my office.

"Heyyyyyyy Slendy how ya doin'?" Splendorman sang.

"IM HAVING AN IMPORTANT DISCUSSION WITH JEFF." I state firmly, I don't want him apart of this small issue. But then Jeff had to say something.

"He wants to make y/n feel better because she had been a bit down latley." Jeff told Splendorman, while he left me a 'what are you gonna do about it' face to me.

"Y/n has been feeling down? Well why don't we try to make her feel better, like aaa..... slumber party?" Splendor suggested.

"That isn't going to fix of why she's upset." Jeff stated and sighed, then he sat up. This peaked me interest was he going to finally spill why y/n has been upset.

"Y/n has had a crush on Toby since they were kids. Toby just got with Silver and shes been upset since." Jeff said while standing up.

"Hmmm.... how would we fix that?" Spledor thought for a few minutes.

"Ooo I know what we can do!" Spledor saying so suddenly it made Jeff jump.

"What is it Splendor?" Jeff asked, I didn't even want Splendor to even be apart of this conversation! I sat in my chair angerly tapping my index finger. It's not I don't like Splendor it's just sometimes he can make matters worse.

"Why don't we get Lost Silver and y/n to date?" Jeff stood stiff to what Splendorman had said. If I had a mouth it would be a gaped.

"What!? Why him!?" Jeff said surprised and confused. I felt the same way.

"Well L Silver is shy, and so is y/n. Y/n likes innocent and cute people. And according to what I heard at her welcome home party I threw her she's biromantic asexual. Soooo she'd need someone who doesn't care about sexual things. Like L Silver." Splendor explained.

"That part makes sense, but y/n barley knows about Pokémon. Also how are we going to get two shy people together?" Jeff questioned Splendor. I was curious as well.

"We'll lock them in a closet with lantern for a little light. So that way they cannot escape eachother and they'll feel more comfortable not being able to see eachother that well." Splendor answered. I thought that last part didn't make much sense.


"Maybe, but we'll just have to find out. Now to get them into the closet." Splendor was jumping in excitement.

"Ok, but I'm dealing with y/n you can deal with L Silver." Jeff told Splendor.

"I don't have any problem with that." Splendor led the way out of my office and began their plan.

At least my question was answered, even though indirectly. I just hope Splendor doesn't make matters worse.

Time skip to when y/n gets home.


I relaxed on the couch with EJ and Cry.

"Uh y/n can I snack on your kidneys?" EJ joked as he grabbed out his scalpel from his hoodie pocket.

"Hey I need those." I said as I rested my hands on my sides criss crossing my arms.
We all laughed.

"Hey EJ you may not have my kidneys but you can have my heart." Cry said as he hugged EJ. EJ was left trying to fangirl silently. He got so flustered when Cry would do things like that to him. I thought it was cute.

I seen Jeff approach me from the corner of my eye. I turned to face him,
"Hey y/n I need a favor of you." Jeff said seeming a little odd, and he looked bad too what happened when I left his room?

"Yeah what is it Jeff?" I asked.
"I need you to count in the closet for Sally's hide and seek game. Can you do it?" Jeff asked.

"Sure I can." I followed Jeff to desired the closet.

Lost Silver's POV

Splendorman said I couldn't leave the closet until my brother Glitchy Red did his chores. I thought he did but apparently not, and I was motivation for GR.

It was lonely and dark in here. It reminded me of then I got lost. I was abandoned there to freeze. I was so alone, I thought everyone had completely forgotten about me. But at least Glitchy Red never did.

I asw as the door opened and this person was shoved into me. I didn't like it but we ended up both on the floor. I guess their motivation too? They got up as they closed the door, they'll tried opening it. I was nervous but I had to say something or they'll try as long as they make us stay in here.

"H-hey ummmm... t-that d-door only.... o-opens on t-the..... o-out-tside." I managed to say feeling my stomach in knots.

They turned towards me making me feel like I was going to have a heart attack. Then I seen it was her, the girl from the party that was in Jeff's doorway. I believe her name was y/n.

Then I heard a yelling outside the closet.

"HEY IF YOUR GONNA BE IN THE CLOSET TOGETHER THEN DO SOMETHING!" It sounded like Ben. I got even more uncomfortable. It looked like it was the same for y/n she backed up into the corner.

"SHUT YOUR TRAP BEN!" That time it sounded like Jeff.

"Hey you guys, all you have to do to get out is to become girlfriend and boyfriend." That sounded like Splendorman that time.

Y/n's hands began to tremble, it took me a moment to realize I was trembling too.
"W-why?" I asked shakily.

"Because you deserve someone better than Lyra she keeps cheating on you. Also we want y/n to cheer up so go on." Jeff's voice was muffled due to him walking away.

I heard more footsteps get further and further. Oh man this was going to be a long night. And I thought valentine's day was supposed to be a happy day.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now