Its going to be a long night ch 13

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Jeff grabbed onto my leg. He looked up at me "Hey be easy with me, kay." He said in a tired tone. If he had any eyelids they'd be drooping down tiredly.
"Okay, I will Sorry." I bent down and rubbed my hand on his head.

He looked up at me and smiled a smile I remembered, the soft and kind smile I remember. I rapped my arms around his waist and pulled him up, he stumbled almost bringing us both down.
"I think I should take you to bed, since you were already falling asleep in the hallway." He scoffed, "mind having some fun with me?"

I was hoping it wasn't anything bad. "What do you have in mind?" We walked to his room since it was to the right of mine, it was right there. Jeff turned his head towards my face to make eye contact.
"Do you wanna play video games with me, Toby, and Ben?" I thought about it, I wanted sleep but I love playing video games so I wanted to. "Sure"

I opened up his room to see Ben and Toby playing Call of Duty, Ben cussing him out. His speech is so slurred it sounds like hes talking in a different language. There was a boy sitting behind them, he didn't have legs or arms. He had black hair with a black and white hat. He also had a white outfit on, white pants and a white hoodie.

He looked depressed. I wonder what's on his mind to make him depressed.

Lost Silver's POV

I was watching drunk Ben and buzzed Toby play Call of Duty. Then I spaced out into my thoughts thinking of the talk me and Toby had earlier.


I was sitting on my bed talking to Glichy Red, we were talking about the new poké center that just opened. GR was thinking of taking BRVR to it and check it out.

Someone burst into my room making both me and Glitchy Red jump from being startled. It made a few of our Pokémon freak out and run under my bed quivering. I thought it was Jeff, but no it was an irritated Toby. That's something I've never seen before. It kinda scared me.

"LOST SILVER!" He growled. I started to panic he wasn't even stuttering and his neck kept making a pop sound when he ticked.

"Y-yes T-tob-by" I was frightened to the point of stuttering, I didn't even want to speak.

"I-I was o-only there b-b-because sl-lender told m-m-me to keep an eye on-n-n h-h-her, t-t-to mak-ke s-sure she was s-safe from-m h-her d-d-dad." I managed to say to the pissed off toby.

His ticks went back to normal slowly after a bit, finally Toby broke the silence while my brother sitting there wondering what's going on.

"S-sorry Lost Silver, I-I thought-t y-you where p-plan-ning on-n killing-g h-her." He looked towards the ground in shame.
"It's alright, I understand you were just really worried about your friend's life. That's perfectly fine." I smiled at him trying to lift the mood.

(End of flashback)

I feel kind of down because everyone has a bunch of friends and have fun all the time, but all I have is some people like Glitchy Red, Green, and Silver. Oh and the Pokémon too. The door opened with Jeff finally he was supposed to go out and get more drinks even though I think they've had enough especially Ben.

"Hey, Y/Ns gonna join us kay?" Ben looked up,
"Hey hottie, you can sit with me if you like." He purred, I looked at Y/N's expression, she looked very uncomfortable and with a hint of fear.

"HEY KEEP YOUR GRIMY MITTS AWAY FROM Y/N, YA HEAR!" Wow I've never seen Jeff stand up for a girl like that before, maybe because he's drunk. Ben got distracted and lost the round.

"Aw fuck! I lost because of you!" Toby snickered, then Toby got up and stretched.

"weren't you supposed to get drinks earlier, Jeff?" Toby reminded Jeff.
"Oh shit, I forgot." Jeff said casually.

Then Y/N finally spoke for the first time "I'll go get them," she smiled.
"You sure?" Jeff asked. "Yeah it won't be any problem to me."

Jeff sighed, "well you don't like parties for reasons, and we are killers ya know. I can easily handle anyone myself."

What is it that she doesn't like about parties?
"I can handle it, plus I'm quick and usually nobody notices me anyway." Of course Ben piped up.
"I notice you babyyyyy." He leaned down sideways from were he was sitting while prolonging baby.

She looked uncomfortable again. Toby slapped Ben in the back of the head. Ben just grunted and handed the controller to me, I made my arms and legs pop up so I can play. I looked back at her, her hands were starting to shake.
"Uh, I-I'll hurry up and get drinks."

She quickly left the room. Why was she so uncomfortable with poeple flirting with her? Ben wasn't even flirting too badly like he usually does. I have so many questions.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon