My adventure to get drinks ch 14

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The character Cry Toxic is made by: -TicTocTic-

This is one of their stories, please read them. They're amazing you want regret it. :)


I left Jeff's room, remembering how to get to the kitchen from earlier today from my exploring. If they had drinks they were probably in the fridge. I got closer to the living room, the music got louder as I approached the living room. I guess that's where they are mainly partying at. At least nobody gave me trouble about wearing boy's clothes to bed.

I walked along the wall hoping I wouldn't be noticed by the drunk people. There was this guy with red hair and he had a green eye and a blue eye, it seems the alcohol wasn't affecting him at all. He was kissing Eyeless Jack, awwww so cute. I love bromance. I got distracted with the two guys being adorable as hell, that I didn't notice the two girls approaching me.

"Oh MY GOD! You're so fucking cute." Jane approached me while I was dozed off. Then my attention was caught when she grabbed my butt. I squeaked, but I felt like crying and running away instead. My chest hurt and I felt like I wanted to hide. There was this girl next to her, she has a green eye then a pocketwatch in the other. She had light brown mid-back lengthened hair. With stitches across her cheeks to her mouth. She chuckled and grabbed my wrist.

I felt like punching her, but I also felt like I'd collapse soon.
"Aw baby, don't shake. It's not like I'm gonna hurt you.... I'll only do that if you want me too." She got closer to my face, and I kicked her in the stomach then dashed off.

I hurriedly ran to the kitchen to get the boys their drinks. I opened the fridge and seen them on the top shelf. I reached out to grab it. Then someone put their hand on my shoulder which made me jump, out of instinct I elbowed whoever was behind me but they caught my elbow before it could reach them.

I looked back and seen that same guy that was with Eyless Jack. He smiled a genuine friendly smile.
"Woah there, be careful with that weapon of yours." I was stunned, he was so casual with it. Why?
"I seen you like to admire me and Jack from a distance I presume, since your aren't talking to me." I looked away then back at the boy.

"S-sorry f-for staring." I looked away ashamed and embarrassed, I'd been caught.
"What is it that interests you in us? Is it that we look hot to you?" He questioned. My face burned in embarrassment. I don't know if I should tell him I don't want to be weird. Oh well here it goes,

"I-I t-think... uh ... ya know..... g-guys... uh .... b-being.... uhhh....." the boy finished my sentence. "Being gay?"

I started to panic again. "Uhhh.. I-I didn't w-want to put it t-that way, but..."

I fumbled my fingers trying to find the words to say.
"I think it's very cute, watching guys be like that to one another, and I like bromance too!" I spilled out so fast it was like a rap.

"Oh, okay. Thanks I guess that's why you're embarrassed huh. That you didn't want to admit to me that you think gay couples loving eachother is cute."

I looked up at him "y-yeah, I do." I smiled sheepishly.
"By the way my name is Cry, it's been a pleasure meeting you." He took a bow. I wasn't used to that so I didn't know what to do.
"My name is Y/N, pleasures mine." I said that because I heard it on television, someone said that in response to someone saying that.

"Well I'll be on my way, let's all hang out sometime kay?" I nodded, but before Cry could leave Jane and the other girl from before showed up.

"There you are cookie." Jane slurred. Cookie huh? I backed up feeling the nausea return. Cry looked at me then the two girls,

"Hey clockwork and Jane." They both looked at him and hummed in unison.

"Leave her alone, she isn't interested." I looked at him then the girls. The girls walked away with Jane almost falling over. "You know you always have a say so." He looked at me.

"I know, it's hard for me to talk to people when I get scared." He nodded.
"Well I have one more question." I nodded. "What do you identify as?" I thought for a second.

"Well I'm a biromantic asexual." He smiled wide,
"so is Hoodie, I think you guys will get along well."

I've heard his name before from Masky, I was curious.
"Who is Hoodie?" He pointed to the guy in a yellow hoodie. "That's him." I grabbed the drinks then told Cry "ok and thanks," then I ran back up to Jeff's room.

"Finally!" Ben exclaimed while grabbing the bottles out of my arms. I went over Toby and gave him a hug.
" Goodnight Toby." I walked over to Jeff and did the same thing.
"Goodnight." Toby said.
"I thought you were hanging with us." Jeff sounded disappointed.

"It's late and I want to get some sleep." And with that I went into my room and pulled up the covers to my face. Then fell asleep.

Ticci-Toby X Female Reader (Has Some Triggering Themes) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now