"Nicole you make me feel happy. You make me laugh. Do you know I hardly laugh? I've been trying so hard to suppress the good in me ever since I met you, I've been trying so hard to make myself believe that I don't care about you but it's impossible. My life is so filled with darkness and you are that soft ray of light that is illuminating my dark world"Raphael spoke so eloquently and softly that Nicole felt her eyes well up with tears. He raised her face to gaze at him and brushed of the tiny drops of tears with his thumb.

Her stomach fluttered as she felt butterflies eagerly fluttering in it. Her heart soared with emotions. His words were beautiful, she felt like crying. She couldn't believe this ruthless mafian leader who had definitely killed and caused harmed to people could be so gentle with his words.
"You Nicole..are the...you are the light in my life. And I bless the day I met you,It was the best thing that happened to me. The day you almost chewed my head off because my car door hit yours. You bring out the good in me. I truly don't know how you do it. I'll never leave you Nicole"

Nicole giggled and tried covering her blush. He held her chin softly with his hand and stared at her, his eyes were soothing and comforting. There were not empty nor having dark clouds brooding over them this time. The ruthless mafia leader was gone and this Raphael expressing his feelings to her was the Raphael that had a heart like every other human.

Nicole browsed his facial expression, taking in every beautiful feature of his face as they both smiled at each other. His hands snaked around her neck, still softly and he stared down at her lips and back at her eyes.
"I love you Nicole"

That was the last thing he whispered to her before kissing her ever so passionately. Nicole fully gave herself into the kiss and shut her eyes. Her lips, her body, her every being were tingling as Raphael kissed her with so much passion. His lips were soft and warm on hers. The kiss was so gentle and sweet. Nicole relished every feeling of it. She truly had never felt this way before even with Jordan. Adrenaline rushed through her.
Raphael's other hand groped down at her breast, softly moulding it as he parted his lips more, demanding full entry into hers.

Nicole let out a small soft moan allowing him to kiss her harder. His tongue slipped into her mouth and the kiss became more errotic. Raphael groaned and deepened the kiss as his hand caressed her breasts.

After their intense make out session, they both pulled out, eyes filled with love for each other.
"Nicole gosh you drive me so insane"

Nicole giggled and pressed her lips together.

"Well yes before I forget though, there's something we need to talk about"Raphael said suddenly sounding serious. Nicole's brows crinkled at him.
Why was he suddenly sounding so serious?

"You know about me now. We've grown so close to each other. I've told you so many things I shouldn't have told you in the first place because your inquisitive nature wouldn't let you stop digging into my life"
Nicole's heart skipped a beat. She wondered if he was talking about confessing his feelings to her.

"You know I am the leader of the Italian mafia. You know what I do. Now I'll need you to keep it a secret"

"Ofcourse I'll"Nicole replied immedately.
She felt relieved knowing it had nothing to do with his confession of his feelings towards her.
Raphael opened the storage compartment box in his car and brought out some stapled documents with a pen.

"I'll need you to sign this contract of Òmerta"he said to her.

"What is this?"

"It's a contract of riservatezza. Which means a contract of confidentiality. It means it's a code of silence among the mafia about divulging our activities to the police or other law enforcement agencies. Go through the contract ok"

Pains of Amara(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now