Chapter 43: Sleepover woes!

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A/N: Hello dear readers. How are you doing? What's up? Uhmmmmm let's just get into it then! Enjoy the chapter and leave notes. <3

Hitoshi POV:

   It's my first day as a part of the hero course but I couldn't care less. Izuku is the only thing on my mind. Him and how I have to find a way to help him.

   I can tell exactly how much sleep Izuku had gotten last night, and it's not much. As an insomniac who thrives off limited sleep, I know a tired person when I see one. The bags under his eyes tell me he hasn't slept well for nearly a month, and that these nightmares are the cause.

   Last night, I wasn't a good friend. Izuku needed me and I walked away from him. I won't do that again. I will help him. As soon as I figure out how!

"Shinso, I think Nezu wants to see us for lunch." Izuku turns to me.

"Oh, then let's head to his office. If that's what you want." I respond, careful to make sure he isn't forced to do anything.

"Yeah, let's go." Izuku smiles.

   So we walk to Nezu's office. Maybe I can ask him for help. He's smart so I'm sure he's caught on to Izuku and his sleeping habits.

"Hello! Hatsume, it's been forever." Izuku opens the office doors and runs into a hug with Hatsume.

"Yay! Izuku, I know, I know! I can't wait to show you some of my new babies. You too, Shinso. I made lots of stuff and I want to give you both something." Hatsume smiles.

"Give us something?" I ask. I know she built some of the gear for hero course students but I didn't ask for anything.

"Yeah a gift! I've gotten to see you both battle a lot more now and I want to give you things that could help. I'll start with you Shinso! As I'm sure you know, you don't have your hero costume yet, so I asked Power Loader if I could work on it. Anyways." She pulls out a suitcase with a glowing number 21 on it.

"I BUILT YOU A HERO COSTUME!" She shouts, so excited she's jumping.

"M-my hero costume?" I blush as I take the suitcase into my own hands.

   The costume's shirt is black with two simple red stripes that go down the sides and meet at the pocket. It has a turtleneck and special fabric where my binding scarf would sit. The pants match in black with a crimson stripe going the side of each leg. It has a utility belt with a first aid kit. It has a new mask with gold accents.

"Hatsume..." I blush more than I ever have in my life.

"Thank you!" I pull her in for a tight hug and hold back the tears in my eyes.

"I'm so glad you like it! Now you Izuku." Hatsume turns her attention to Izuku.

"These are light weight leg supports. I heard about what Muscular did to you and how the lack of immediate attention made it worse, so I wanted to help! These support will block any attack made to your legs and they'll make sure you don't falter in battle. I-I hope you like them." Hatsume smiles.

"This is the nicest gift I've ever gotten!" Izuku cries, pulling Hatsume into another hug.

"Yay! Successful gift mission." Hatsume hugs him back.

   We spent the rest of lunch talking and laughing together. It felt very good to be back at school with my friends. After lunch me and Izuku went back to class and Mr. Aizawa told us about a licensing exam coming up, and how we'll need ultimate moves.

   Finding my ultimate move will be hard but I'm sure I can find something. Izuku showed me his ultimate move. He takes two shots with his gun, immobilizing the enemy, then flips onto the villains and pulls them to the floor. It's quick and cool, like an advanced version of Uraraka's Gunhead martial arts.

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